- Forum
Public Discussion Category
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Music, Bands & ArtistsDiscuss your favorite bands and songs, that crazy concert you went to, how MTV doesn't play music anymore etc.
- 192
Guitars, Gear, Software & EducationOur beloved axes, gear, software & recording setups, and general music education dwell within.
- 316
Listening LoungeShow off and let's hear your guitar playing! Whether you're a beginner or an expert, we enjoy seeing everyone's progress.
- 689
Introduce YourselfNew to IG? Feel free to post here and introduce yourself. How'd you find us? How long have you been playing guitar?
- 286
General DiscussionMovies, shows, video games, clowns, quantum physics, and basically everything not related to music is discussed here.
- 169
Full-Access Members Only Category
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No Topics
IG Lessons DiscussionDiscuss Infinite Guitar's lessons with instructors, make website requests to staff. A place where members can discuss.
- 512