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Guitar Tutorial


Instructor: Sean Conklin
Style: Any Style
Level: Beginner
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  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Beginner Topic: Reference Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Creating a song is the most fulfilling experience that a musician can ever have. Whether it be a soft ballad, an epic instrumental, or a heavy metal headbanger, a song is a work of art with which the writer can take much pride. A song encompasses the writer’s vision of a message that is longing to be told, and longing to be heard. Music is one of the s...

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  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Beginner Topic: Reference Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Inspiration. Without it, music wouldn’t exist. Every existing piece of music has been developed because a human being was inspired to write it. A high achievement, the death of a loved one, blossoming love, deteriorating love, a religious experience, difficult seasons, a new adventure…these are only a few of life’s circumstances that can i...

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  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Beginner Topic: Reference Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Everyone has their own unique methods and styles to their songwriting. If you’re just starting to compose your own music, you may have to experiment a little before you really find your preferred and most effective method. If you’re a seasoned composer, keep reading, you may find some new ideas that you can apply to your routine. As mentioned be...

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  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Beginner Topic: Reference Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: The structure of a song has to do with how you put certain parts in a certain order. A very typical song structure usually goes something like this: Intro, Verse, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, Outro. The structure of a song is very important. Just as with books or movies, songs need to be put in a certain order for them to flow properly and make s...

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  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Beginner Topic: Reference Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Most people usually have a general idea of what music style they want their song to be. To go even further, most people have a favorite style of music and tend to gravitate towards that style with most of their songs. As it is with song structure, the style needs to reinforce the message of the song. For example, romantic songs usually sound soft and delica...

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  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Beginner Topic: Recording Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: If you’re like most of us songwriters, you don’t always have a band at your disposal every time you get inspired to write a song. This can sometimes make it difficult to get a feel for the context of the song and where it is headed. For example, if you’re a guitarist, while you’re writing a song you may be wondering what the other ins...

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  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Beginner Topic: Recording Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: If you want to record your song, you’re going to need some decent software. But before purchasing your software, do some research and make an informed decision. Don't go buy the flashiest, most expensive stuff out there. Odds are, you won't use 80% of what those programs have to offer anyway. First, figure out what type of recording you want to do. Do...

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  • Instructor: Sean Conklin Level: Beginner Topic: Reference Style: Any Style

    Excerpt: Here's the best advice to be given regarding songwriting...never stop writing music. If you compose consistently, you will only keep improving. Songwriting is a beautiful art. However, it is also a learned art. The more you write, the more you'll get a feel for your own original style. I think it's safe to say that nobody wants to be unoriginal. So keep wri...

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