Instructor: Tom Quayle Level: Intermediate Topic: Reference Style: Any Style
Excerpt: Hi there guys and welcome to this tutorial on tuning in 4ths. Normally we tune the guitar in what we call standard tuning. In other words out strings are tuned to the following notes, E, A, D, G, B and E This system of tuning is great as it allows us to play a great variety of fantastic material and works exceptionally well for playing chords and scales. ...
Media Length: 1:46
Instructor: Tom Quayle Level: Intermediate Topic: Reference Style: Any Style
Excerpt: Okay, so as an example we can take a Cmajor Triad. If we play this on the A, D and G strings we get a triad composed from the notes C, E and G played at the 3rd fret of the A string. If we take this shape up an octave and play it at the 10th fret of the D string in standard tuning, our shape changes even though the notes are the same. In 4ths tuning the sha...
Media Length: 4:03
Instructor: Tom Quayle Level: Intermediate Topic: Reference Style: Any Style
Excerpt: It's actually pretty easy to work out shapes that will work in this tuning. The system is easy and relies on information you probably already know. Basically, any shapes that work on the bottom 4 strings will work anywhere on the guitar now. For example the G major 7 chord shape listed below will work in any position, octave or string set and is the shape w...
Media Length: 4:03