Instructor: Steve Hubbard Level: Intermediate Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Funk
Excerpt: Hey folks! This tutorial features a latin-funk piece that I came up with. You'll be learning four different parts, and improvising at the end. If you haven't already guessed, this is heavily influenced by Maroon 5. Hope you enjoy!
Media Length: 1:45
Instructor: Steve Hubbard Level: Intermediate Topic: Rhythm Style: Funk
Excerpt: The first part of this piece, is perhaps the layer that gives this song the majority of its 'groove'. This is perhaps my favourite style of rhythm guitar! Simple chords, with specific right hand accents. Try dialing in a moderately clean tone, with an 'in between' setting on your guitars pickup selector switch. This part would also work well on an acoustic ...
Media Length: 0:26
Instructor: Steve Hubbard Level: Intermediate Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Funk
Excerpt: Part 2 is a catchy melody, played as a rhythm guitar part. Even though this is a fairly 'busy' line for rhythm, it still works well with vocals, or lead guitar. It's important to play staccato, especially where noted in the tablature below. Try hard to syncopate with the bass for an overall tight sound.
Media Length: 0:25
Instructor: Steve Hubbard Level: Intermediate Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Funk
Excerpt: Next, we'll be moving the melody up a minor third to play the harmony part. It's quite easy to play once you've learned the main melody in the previous lesson.
Media Length: 0:25
Instructor: Steve Hubbard Level: Intermediate Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Funk
Excerpt: The lead part naturally came to me as soon as I started improvising over the backing track. It's a repetitive melody that I feel stacks well with the previous ideas, as well as other melodies! I can see this as being looped over and over, in the outro of a song. A distorted tone will work best for this type of lead. Specifically, something nice and fat! Be...
Media Length: 0:27
Instructor: Steve Hubbard Level: Intermediate Topic: Improvising Style: Funk
Excerpt: Here's a great backing to play over. Try improvising a solo, and if you feel comfortable, post some recordings in the forum. I personally enjoy backings that make me groove to the music. Hopefully you have fun jamming over this! Key: C# Minor Tempo: 92bpm Basic Scales to use: Minor, Minor Pentatonic, Harmonic Minor, Diminished
Media Length: 1:44
Instructor: Steve Hubbard Level: Beginner Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Funk
Excerpt: Here's a stripped down version of the backing for practicing the specific parts which I've taught in this lesson. Have fun!
Media Length: 1:44