Instructor: Steve Hubbard Level: Intermediate Topic: Technique Style: Fusion
Excerpt: Greetings! In this lesson, we will combine both hybrid and sweep picking to play an arpeggio sequence that for the most part follows the degrees of a C Major scale! This combination of hybrid and sweep picking can easily be applied to a number of shapes and arpeggios. The main technique or detail that I would like to highlight is the grouping of two down str...
Media Length: 3:15
Instructor: Steve Hubbard Level: Intermediate Topic: Technique Style: Fusion
Excerpt: If you haven't read up on scale and chord theory, check out Tom's Visualizing the Fretboard tutorial, and Jody's lesson on Nashville Numbers. This sequence will work over the basic corresponding chords of C Major, but would be better fit if you add the a 7th into the mix. For example: Cmaj7, Dm7, Em7, Fmaj7, G7, Bdim7, Cmaj7 Personally, I find this type o...
Media Length: 1:20