Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Advanced Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Rock
Excerpt: Hey guys! Thought I'd throw out another "Licks in the Style of..." tutorial! This time we're covering the amazing Guthrie Govan! Personally, Guthrie is a huge influence on my playing and I had a lot of fun making this tutorial. One thing that is very apparent in Guthrie's style is the way he chooses to use chromatic notes. I've speant a lot of time study...
Media Length: 1:36
Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Advanced Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Fusion
Excerpt: Lick 2! This is a fast one! I actually use this lick a lot in live situations. The way I'm thinking of this lick is being based around three pentatonic shapes to which I've added either chromatics, the blues note, or notes from dorian. Make sure to pay attention to the slides that are happening. The slides give this lick its flavor. Enjoy!
Media Length: 1:01
Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Crazy! Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Fusion
Excerpt: Lick 3! This one is Guthrie at his core. It uses a lot of different techniques and some interesting note chooses. The really nutty part is the sweep that happens in the middle of this lick. It utilizes the major 7 (G#), bringing outside for that one millisecond. :) Take this very slow! The tab is exact and there is a lot of "feel" happening here which can...
Media Length: 1:07
Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Crazy! Topic: Cool Riffs Style: Fusion
Excerpt: Lick 4 The last lick is a tapping lick that uses some 7th chord arpeggios. Very similar to the video on Guthrie's arpeggios that a did I while. If you've not mastered the technique previously it would be beneficial to take this slow and use each arpeggio as an exercise in itself. Have fun with these licks!
Media Length: 1:07
Instructor: Mike Salow Level: Intermediate Topic: Improvising Style: Fusion
Excerpt: Have fun with the backing track guys. Practice hard!
Media Length: 3:46