Ronnies points are all excellent. Another thing I notice in your video is that you do not mute strings particularly with your right hand, rather you seem to let your hand float freely above the bridge, and that movement is then enlarged when moving toward the higher string. This position would definitely not help in relaxing you hand, or getting a clean, exact technique. If you check Gilbert a bit closer, you will see that his palm is always resting on the string he is not playing, only allowing a string at the time to ring out (the strings above the string being played is muted by the index finger of the left hand, as you play). One thing that I find that SO many guitar players do is that they practice a lot with a clean tone, since they are under the illusion that this help them get a “cleaner” tech, The opposite is true, although you will have to play a bit harder, and have a stringer left hand tech when playing with a clean tone, you will never learn to mute unwanted strings properly this way. Anything that is ultimately supposed to be played at hi-gain should be practiced thusly. Then and only then will your technique be geared towards, and honed to perfection for this use.
EDIT: I should add that this is even more true for practicing for example tapping and stringskipping stuff where muting unplayed strings are of key importance.