Amazing clip of the mythical Dumble Overdrive Special Amp

Forums Guitars, Gear, Software & Education Amazing clip of the mythical Dumble Overdrive Special Amp

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    Hey fellow geetar nuts,
    Check out this awesome clip of Finnish guitar player Peter Lerche playing through the Dumble Overdive Special 100…..

    Sounds amazing…


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    I can verify that Robben uses twin reverb and Zendrive abroad.
    I was guitar tech for the Swedish Jazzfestival 2007, when Robben played.
    (I even got to handle his old tele, 52 I think , not sure). He played that sucker LOUD!
    We also experimented with some different pedals with Robben during sound check,
    and the Xotic BB Preamp actually came close to the Zen with some tweaking.
    The Zen had a meatier mid though, which suited the tele really well.

    As for DUmble, I played one last time I was in Japan for Flaxwood
    (actually with Kim Lerche, Peter’s younger brother! then PR Manager for Flaxwood)
    Frigging sweet tone, but perhaps a bit overpriced (imo) the Ceriatone “dumble” would
    work just as well for me anyways.

    EinarG;10980 wrote:
    Heres a little clip I did of my Ceriatone OTS, quite an amazing amp actually,
    Pitty I don’t have any good recording equipment.

    Sweet tone there man!
    ANy pedals in this clip?


    I’ve got a Retro Sonic analog delay in the loop, and I turn on the Xotic RC booster about halfway through.
    I’m on the overdrive channel throughout the clip! 🙂


    I don’t see an issue with the furry leopard print covering… It doesn’t affect the tone one bit 😛
    And if it makes you feel any better I once owned a snakeskin covered Soldano SLO-100 fullstack…

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