Axe fx
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I played a gig yesterday and the other guitarist played the “Axe fx” from fractal audio.
and he sounded awesome – much better than he did with all the amps he played before!
now i´m thinking of getting the axe fx too!Has anyone got the axe fx ?
any experiences?Cheers Peter
PS i saw Marco Sfogli playing a clinic with the axe fx ( there´s a video on youtube)
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Not tried one myself, but from what I’ve heard to blows the competition out of the water. The likes of Greg Howe, Marco Sfogli, Dweezil Zappa etc. all seem to love the thing too.
@peterg. 10605 wrote:
I played a gig yesterday and the other guitarist played the “Axe fx” from fractal audio.
and he sounded awesome – much better than he did with all the amps he played before!
now i´m thinking of getting the axe fx too!Has anyone got the axe fx ?
any experiences?Cheers Peter
PS i saw Marco Sfogli playing a clinic with the axe fx ( there´s a video on youtube)
Hi Peter, 🙂
I’ve had my eye on these for a couple of years now. I try NOT to get things right when they come out, for fear of beta-fixes/bugs, but I think it’s pretty solid now. Also, from what I’ve heard, the owner (Cliff ???) is supposedly a very dedicated customer-support guy as far as firmware-updates and general inquiries go.
OK, now the sounds!
I got to try a regular (NOT the Ultra-version) Axe-FX about a year ago, and I was extremely impressed! It really didn’t seem too difficult to use, and I was able to dial-in a handful of kille tones pretty easily. Since I was playing (and still play) in a Tool-tribute band, (we’re called ToolFist, and we’re based out of Massachusetts – U.S.A.) I of course was interested in hearing a model of the coveted Diezel VH-4 which Tool guitarist Adam Jones has used (in conjunction with a modded 1976 Marshall Super-Bass Amp!) since 1994 (I think?) Anyways, that was killer! I actually wasn’t too worried about the Diezel-model sounding great, because my general philosophy on modeling amps is that the “super-clean” and “super-distorted” tones aren’t too difficult to get close! I’ve found that the true mark of an excellent modeling-amp (or a real tube-amp for that matter!) is it’s ability to produce KILLER “tweener-tones!” (That’s what I call those tricky to nail “edgey/half-overdriven/volume-knob-responsive tones!” Thus, I dialed in some Vox AC30 models and some Hiwatt models and did my best Edge/U2 and Pete Townshend/The Who impersonations – LOL! I was floored! I found it to be VERY responsive (BTW, I was rotating the three (3) guitars I brought to the demo, which were: a (Tool -approved!) 2007 Silverburst Gibson Les Paul Classic Custom – retrofitted with a bridge-position Seymour Duncan JB, a 2008 Olympic-White Fender American Standard – retrofitted with (SRV-approved!) Fender Custom Shop Texas Special pickups, and a stock Sunburst 1991 Fender American Standard Telecaster.) To that previous point, I also wanted to play both of my Fender guitars through some Fender amp-models (like a little low-wattage Tweed-era Deluxe, some “SRV-approved” Vibro-Kings and Super Reverbs for example) and they were all rather impressive in their tones and responsiveness as well. If I had more time, I would like to have put some of these Fender tones more through their paces, but I had to get to work that afternoon! 🙁 Anyways, that’s about all I can say about the amp-models. Excellent all-around, and very responsive, for a modeling amp. That said, if you’re used to the “Real-deal” of a high-headroom/super-responsive Class-A or Class A/B tube amp, then I DOUBT you’ll find the Axe-FX EQUALLY as responsive as your old Fender Super Reverb! (I mean, how could it be, right?!?) So IMO, one needs to be realistic about one’s expectations.
Another critical point to ponder with the Axe-FX is how you plan to configure the unit. In other words, the way I see it, you could:
1.) Use it as a typical pre-amp (with programmable/bypassable effects built-in, which I’ll discuss later!) which is the front-end of a rack-system that includes a tube power-amp and a separate speaker-cab, for that old-school/on-stage responsive monitoring (translation: Cool feedback!) *This is PROBABLY the setup I will end up using. If so, I plan to invest in a new power-amp (something with more headroom and “bite” than my H&K VS250). I was thinking perhaps a Carvin TS-100, a Mesa 20/20 (I think that’s what it’s called?) or one of the VHT all-tube power-amps. BTW, In this configuration, you would NOT want to enable the Axe-FX’s selectable Power-Amp Simulations!
2.) Use it with a solid-state amp and a full-range speaker-setup (similar to a typical keyboard stage-monitor or a “mini-PA system!”) on-stage. In this configuration, I believe Fractal Audio recommends the usage of the Power-Amp Simulations!
3.) Run the Axe-FX DIRECT into the P.A. system and trust that the monitor-system that you are using will provide you with adequate monitoring-levels, so-as-to feel like your actually playing and amp. (Personally, I could NOT go this route, since so much would lie in the hands of potentially unknown monitors, and potentially incompetent FOH (Front-of-House) engineers and/or monitor-engineers…NO THANKS!!!) I suppose if you KNEW the P.A. being used (and it’s monitor system (like say you OWN the P.A!) then you could perhaps get good results. One thing’s for sure with this setup…The FOH guy will LOVE YOU (because he won’t have to fight ANY stage-volume in his mains-mix, since you would have NOTHING facing him (remember, your monitor – typically a floor-wedge – would be facing up at you and AWAY FROM him!) Sound Engineer guys LOVE direct-line feeds for that reason! OK, enough with that! Get it? Got it? Good! 😉
Now the effects:
INCREDIBLE!!! Seriously, this is the best sounding (and dead-quiet) multi-effects unit I have ever heard. This thing rivals anything that Eventide and T.C. Electronics has ever produced (and they make GREAT stuff too!) The routing-flexibility, continuous controller possibilities, and just the sheer sound-quality of the Axe-FX is VERY tough to beat at ANY price! 😎
Now for real-time control:
Well, there are a number of MIDI-controllers out there which would make using the Axe-FX in a live situation, much more powerful! At the very least, you HAVE TO be able to switch from “one-sound/program-number” to another, IMO! I currently use a Behringer FCB1010 Controller to run my rack-system (Original-owner 1993 Hughes & Kettner Access MIDI Programmable Tune Pre-amp – 2000+ gigs…and counting! –>Rocktron Replifex multi-effects unit–>Hughes & Kettner VS250 All-Tube (EL84) 2-channel (50-watts-per-side) power-amp–>Marshall 1960A 4×12 cab.) The FCB1010 is ridiculously powerful for the price, (that’s Behringer’s M.O.!) but there are other (more costly) excellent MIDI controllers out there, which would work fine with the FCB1010. (Fractal has been SUPER-SLOW in getting their MIDI-controller – which surely would marry-up sweetly to the Axe-FX! – out to market! I don’t know what their problem is!) I personally have NOT decided which route I’m going to take in regards to real-time control of the Axe-FX’s amps and effects. (I like having the power to control various parameters of certain effects in real-time while I play! – (for example: delay levels, modulation-speeds, even a “master” volume-pedal!) The FCB1010 has two separate expression-pedals which can be configured to control whatever you want them to control, along with a couple of other external expression pedal inputs. It can get pretty silly, if you get carried away – I ONLY use the two (2) built-in pedals personally! :rolleyes: 😉
Amp-Models/features/flexibility/sound-quality: 8.5 out of 10.0
Effects/features/flexibility/sound-quality: 9.5 out of 10.0
Real-Time Control/features/flexibilty: 9.0 out of 10.0
As soon as I can afford an Axe-FX ULTRA, I’m planning on taking the plunge! 😎
I hope any of this info can help anyone who’s interested in a Fractal Audio Axe-FX get acquainted/educated a bit about the unit’s features and qualities! 😉
Best of luck. 😉
~Bill Meehan~ 😀
Thanks Bill
great review!…. you should write for magazines ….maybe guitarplayer 😉
this thursday a friend of mine lends me the ultra so i can test it in a live situation!
i´m curious about how it´s gonna feel!
i´ll let you knowcheer Peter
@peterg. 10640 wrote:
Thanks Bill
great review!…. you should write for magazines ….maybe guitarplayer 😉
this thursday a friend of mine lends me the ultra so i can test it in a live situation!
i´m curious about how it´s gonna feel!
i´ll let you knowcheer Peter
Hi Peter, 🙂
Thanks for the compliment…Now if I could only get my PLAYING to that level – LOL! 😮
Be sure to tell us your exact Axe-FX configuration (w/amp vs. w/power-amp & speakers vs. direct.) Also, let everyone know wheteher you have the power-amp modeling enabled (I would think you’d only want to do that if you’re going direct OR through a full-range monitor – say, a keyboard-amp or mini-PA system!) Finally, let us know if you end up using factory-presets vs. sounds that you’ve programmed. My general experience is that factory-presets are made for “selling gear” (as in to “impress the masses!”) Thus, I’ve ALWAYS found presets to be WAY TOO WET-SOUNDING (like too-high of a delay-level) and/or having WAY TOO MUCH GAIN for example! I NEVER use presets for that reason! :rolleyes: Maybe the Axe-FX is different though. When I tried one out, I was building the sounds from scratch (with the help of it’s owner!) starting with the amp-models dry, then adding effects AFTER getting the dry sounds where I wanted them. I guess this is just one way to do it, and I’m certainly NOT telling you how to go about doing it. Besides, you might be “pressed-for-time” and therefore have NO TIME to start programming sounds from scratch! 😉
Best of luck! 😎 😉
~Bill Meehan~ 😀
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