Carlton Improvisation. Check it out.

Forums Listening Lounge Carlton Improvisation. Check it out.

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    Been a while since I posted.

    Site looks nice guys.

    Here’s a little improv I did a few months ago over the infamous Larry Carlton track from blues jam tracks.

    Advice is welcome. šŸ™‚


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  • Replies
    Mike Edwin
    Mike Edwin

    Nice work tj!

    Good technique overall in my opinion.

    Harmonically you seem to be hearing and playing the right notes. My only critique would be that you need to focus a bit more on building lines and a sense of direction in your solo. That can be a bit harder when your just improvising but in general, even when improvising, try and build the intensity and feel as the solo progresses.

    Larry is great at doing this.


    ps, keep posting!

    Rick Graham
    Rick Graham

    Well played man! Very nice vibrato too

    I agree with Mike on this one. It would be worth trying to sing some phrases over the backing
    and then pick out the ones that you like and apply them to the guitar. It’s a great way to improve your sense of phrasing and overall musicianship.


    nice playing there man, I loved that bt

    do you have it in mp3 or smthn?
    I can’t find it anywhere


    Great advice Rick and Mike. I didn’t even realize that I didn’t have much direction, but now that you say that, and listening to some of my more recent improvs, I do lack direction and structure.But yeah. I’ll try singing over the tracks and then transcribing those licks on guitar. I’ll upload something soon after attempting that.

    Thanks guys. šŸ™‚

    @ Pekki – You can grab the track at great stuff to jam over.


    it really is a great site, but I can’t pay online
    tough luck


    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Excellent TJ! Great work as always. And I love how your bed is always made nice and neat. šŸ˜‰

    I also agree with the advice given. Rick’s suggestion to sing is key. I think when we sing/hum melodies, it can help put our guitar playing in proper perspective.


    @Sean Conklin 3939 wrote:

    Excellent TJ! Great work as always. And I love how your bed is always made nice and neat. šŸ˜‰

    Ahah, :o. Mothers orders. :).

    Rick Graham
    Rick Graham

    Hehe ……if only…..happy days:)

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