Dean Guitars?

Forums Guitars, Gear, Software & Education Dean Guitars?

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    Anyone have one and know about the quality of their korean offerings? I saw the video of their DOA conference in tampa and was blown away by their company’s dedication to their customers (long story short: vinnie moore, MAB, and Trivium all played). Looked like a blast. I want to get one simply to go to that each year (it really did look like my idea of a good time). I was considering picking up a cheaper one and was going to ask about some of their guitars like the V, Z, or ML (not a big razor back fan, maybe a razorback V 255), but then I remembered that my baby (ESP DV8-R) has it’s sister guitar under dean. So if I were to get one it’d be a VMNT.

    Regardless, anyone have any experience with the V, Z, ML, Soltero, Cadillac? They are all pretty cheap (between 450 and 700 typically) but I don’t know how the quality is.

    I know Pavel has an RC-7 on the way.

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  • Replies
    Mike Edwin
    Mike Edwin

    I cant comment on those models. But Dean guitars in general are well made and quite reliable.

    My Palomino, the one I use for IG lessons is a bit over a year old now and the only problem I have had is a loose screw in the bridge. Really this should not have happened but the guitar has not faulted otherwise. A few other people I know with Deans are also pleased with them.


    Dean guits have quite the reputation and are pretty well built. I’ve liked all the ones I’ve played, I just don’t like how most of them look. I’m a carve/arch top man and their offerings are dissapointing.

    Of course I have the same issues with carvin. Amazing wood. Amazing craftsmenship. Amazing playability, possibly the best I’ve ever touched. But the lack of visual creativity leaves me hungry.

    If there’s something they have that strikes your fancy I say go for it.

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