Fender Blacktop Jaguar…. plays great.

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    Just picked up a Fender Blacktop Jaguar and love it. Sounds nothing like a classic Jaguar guitar, its very basic with just two humbuckers vol and tone pots and a three way selector. Has a great neck and sounds very dark….. heres a very quick test clip with just the bridge pup.

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    @ToneZappa 12065 wrote:

    Just picked up a Fender Blacktop Jaguar and love it. Sounds nothing like a classic Jaguar guitar, its very basic with just two humbuckers vol and tone pots and a three way selector. Has a great neck and sounds very dark….. heres a very quick test clip with just the bridge pup.

    Hi TZ, šŸ™‚

    Great job! I loved the “avant-garde/fusion” style on this one. šŸ˜‰

    BTW, I checked out some of your other stuff too, and NICE SHRED on that 2002 rock-instrumental! šŸ˜Ž

    ~Bill Meehan~ šŸ˜€


    Thanks Bill… the Blacktop Jag is great to play. Thanks for checking out some of the other doodles on my SoundClck page. That Jam 2002 thing you mention was a competition, you had to solo over that backing track its not really my kind of music but was great fun to do.


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