Finished 5 Song CD

Forums Listening Lounge Finished 5 Song CD

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    Just wanted to share the experience of recording my sons band here on the forum. I am excited to see this project completed. To try and make a long story short my son is 17 and he has a progressive Metal Core Band all the kids in the band are 17 except the drummer he is 15. They were talking about saving their money and getting some songs recorded. I decided to take a giant leap and volunteer to do the CD for them. I had recorded my horrible guitar playing a little bit with Reaper and a Stealthplug so I figured how hard can it be…… Well. About 3 months later and more money than I would like to admit to in Hardware and Software and they have a 5 song CD. Needless to say it was a long and winding journey through a crash course in Recording, Mixing and Mastering. But in the end it was very rewarding and I am glad that I was able to be a part of it. Here is a link to one of their songs with a CD slideshow. Be warned that it is Metalcore so if you do not like screaming vocals then you will probably not enjoy this. The best part of this song is in the middle and the end so give it a chance. Comments about the recording that might be helpful are more than welcome. I have used lots of advice that I received through recording forums while making this so I am very open to any constructive advice. As far as comments about the style of music… Well it is what it is. I can’t change that šŸ™‚ Here is the link.

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    Just got done listening to the tune. PIrates stole my lunch money? LOL Good stuff….

    I think its good. Though I would try to throw some effect in some of the instruments. Especially some of the solo drummed parts. Feels very empty. Maybe a reverb?
    The mix I though was a bit uneven but then again Im listening on some crappy PC speakers at work at the moment. THe vocals are very overpowering at times.

    So if I were to say use some more effects. You can really fill in the “gaps” so to speak.

    I dig all styles of music. So A+ on this. I cant wait till my son/daughter grows a tad older and hopefully says “Dad, will you buy me a guitar!” šŸ™‚

    Good job and looking forward to more. šŸ™‚


    @MrBungle 9121 wrote:

    Just got done listening to the tune. PIrates stole my lunch money? LOL Good stuff….

    I think its good. Though I would try to throw some effect in some of the instruments. Especially some of the solo drummed parts. Feels very empty. Maybe a reverb?
    The mix I though was a bit uneven but then again Im listening on some crappy PC speakers at work at the moment. THe vocals are very overpowering at times.

    So if I were to say use some more effects. You can really fill in the “gaps” so to speak.

    I dig all styles of music. So A+ on this. I cant wait till my son/daughter grows a tad older and hopefully says “Dad, will you buy me a guitar!” šŸ™‚

    Good job and looking forward to more. šŸ™‚

    Now that I have been able to take a break from the mixing. I am seeing small things like you mention in the mix. I am limited to some of the things I can do since the kids in the band do not want me to change their sound to much. It took me a while to make my son understand that things like reverb etc on vocals are something that everyone does. I am trying to get him to get some vocal processing equipment for his live shows but he is still fighting me. He is afraid of being labeled as needing equipment to get his sound. Makes no sense to me…. I told him thats like a guitar player going out there and using an acoustic guitar for this type of music and saying “I don’t want effects like distortion and amps because people will think I am using it to cover the fact that I do not play that good” That seemed to work a little bit with him. Its been a learning process all the way around for everyone. šŸ™‚

    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Hey Kyle,

    This is awesome man! Looks like you guys had a blast with this project. I think they could go places if they keep it up. Definitely have talent.

    Mix-wise I probably would have done a few things differently, but for it being a “home-made” 5 song demo, I think it sounds fine.

    One thing I noticed right off the bat though is how centered the mix is. I personally would have really widened the guitar sound (recorded the rhythm parts twice and panned them hard right and left). Also the guitar tone in general is pretty muffled.

    I think the clean vocals and drums could use some reverb. I also noticed a couple brief moments when the drums were off time. I’d probably splice those parts and slightly move them to be more in time.

    But yeah that’s just stuff I’d do myself, but you should feel very proud. Great job! Are you guys going to be sending it off to any labels?


    @Sean Conklin 9133 wrote:

    Hey Kyle,

    This is awesome man! Looks like you guys had a blast with this project. I think they could go places if they keep it up. Definitely have talent.

    Mix-wise I probably would have done a few things differently, but for it being a “home-made” 5 song demo, I think it sounds fine.

    One thing I noticed right off the bat though is how centered the mix is. I personally would have really widened the guitar sound (recorded the rhythm parts twice and panned them hard right and left). Also the guitar tone in general is pretty muffled.

    I think the clean vocals and drums could use some reverb. I also noticed a couple brief moments when the drums were off time. I’d probably splice those parts and slightly move them to be more in time.

    But yeah that’s just stuff I’d do myself, but you should feel very proud. Great job! Are you guys going to be sending it off to any labels?

    Ya I agree with the drums being off a little bit here and there. I learned a lesson because I recorded the drums and then let the guitar and bass player play to that drum track. So it would have been double the work to fix the drums and the other tracks to work.
    I did pan the guitars hard left and right. Maybe I am not doing it quit right…. The only thing dead center are the drums. Even the 2 overhead mic’s are panned hard left and right on the drums. The kick and the snare and toms are the only thing dead center. The bass is about 20% left and right. I think the biggest thing is that I did not have more than one track. I doubled then one track and then panned them. Probably needed a track that was a little different to help give it depth. I tried nudging the same track out of time a little just enough not to give it a delay sound but enough to make it thick. But I noticed that it lost some of the attack and got lost in the drums. Anyway I just have to stay after it.
    They are not sending the CD to any labels. My son would get all wide eyed and nervous if I asked him that šŸ™‚ Maybe after they get a little more experience. They are using this CD to help make money at the shows. They play at least once a month somewhere in the state. They usually play at a venue with 4 or 5 other bands. Next they are going to get T-Shirts to go with the CD. They sold about 18 CD’s at the last show. So they are having fun and are out in the mix making new friends and learning how to build a fan base. I have to say that I am impressed with what they have done so far. Its been a blast to watch from the sidelines šŸ™‚ Sometimes I get recruited if they need someone to help haul equipment and help setup at some venue that always seems to be 3 hours away. Of course they always know I will buy them food and maybe spring for gas and a hotel room if they are out to late. Not always thought šŸ™‚ Once again thanks for taking the time to comment.

    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    That’s awesome man. They’re pretty young and if they continue to rock and get a solid fan base, they’d be in great shape.

    Yeah I’ve found it’s usually always best to record the rhythm parts twice. Doing that and then panning them gives you that wider sound. It’s the subtle nuances with the separate takes that make such a big difference.

    Again, great job man, and keep us up to date with their progress!

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