Four Handed Guitar

Forums Music, Bands & Artists Four Handed Guitar

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    As a lover of classical and Brazilian guitar music, this is simply amazing playing!
    Four hands and watch closely how they trade off one person playing the picking part wile the other fingers the neck…….

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    @hscalfo 9644 wrote:

    As a lover of classical and Brazilian guitar music, this is simply amazing playing!
    Four hands and watch closely how they trade off one person playing the picking part wile the other fingers the neck…….

    Hi Enrico, šŸ™‚

    How have you been bro? šŸ˜€ Great link here with the “4-handed nylon guitar!” šŸ˜Ž That was simultaneously fun, awesome, and mind-boggling! šŸ˜® Thanks so much for sharing man! šŸ˜Ž For me, one part that tricked me was when the female guitarist reached for some “Rudy Sarzo-approved over the top-side of the neck bass-lines!!!” So here I am assuming that it’s “just-for-show” (I think the crowd may have thought so the first time she did it also, because they chuckled and cheered a bit right when she did it!) Then the part comes around again and she plays it “over-the-top Sarzo-style” again, at which time it occurs to me: The male/dude’s left-hand is in a traditional first position “under-the-neck!” Therefore, she had NO CHOICE but to go at it “Sarzo-style,” (LOL!) otherwise her left/fretting-hand would’ve run right into his left/fretting-hand!!! NICE! I love it when innovation is born out of necessity! (Even though fretting “over-the-top” is far from new/innovative, but it sure was necessary here! – LOL!) šŸ˜‰

    Thanks again Enrico and Happy Holidays bro! šŸ˜‰

    ~Bill Meehan~ šŸ˜€


    Salve Bill,

    Great analysis! Yeah, I cracked up on the reach over also! Talented players for sure.

    I’ve been quite busy with work and now just getting back to some playing. Hope to be in the forums more in the upcoming months.

    Looks like a missed a lot of great lessons!

    Enjoy your holidays as well, and be sure to behave!!! HA!


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