Fusion Jam – Summer of Love (Custom Fusion series)

Forums Listening Lounge Fusion Jam – Summer of Love (Custom Fusion series)

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    Jimmy, šŸ™‚

    Well done. I like how you used space between your phrases (I struggle with that! :o) I think you might be able to develop your vibrato and bending technique even more (since you already have good chops/speed!) šŸ˜‰ I know that you missed a few chord-changes with your line-resolutions, but it was a “first-take-improvisation” as you said, so that’s bound to happen until you get awesome at it (I think this is one of the hardest parts of improvisation – The jazzier the changes, the harder the improv. IMHO!) šŸ˜®

    Keep up the good work though! šŸ˜Ž

    ~Bill Meehan~ šŸ˜€

    Jimmy Pel

    Hey Bill!
    Thanks for your nice comments I appreciate that!
    Best regards


    That was nice man!!
    Very well done,nice phrasing!

    P.S is there a chance you got the tabs for the solo of Alex?

    Sounds good. I think you could play better if you actually used your pinky. I’m trying to find a part where you actually did use it in the video.. haha..

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