Greetings from Canada…

Forums Introduce Yourself Greetings from Canada…

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    Hello everybody, Kirk here. Glad to be a part of the forum.

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    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Yo Kirk! Welcome. šŸ™‚ What kind of stuff do you play?


    Thanks Sean! I grew up on mainly rock type stuff (Led Zep, Deep Purple, Van Halen, Satch, Vai, etc.) but love many styles of music (from classical to jazz). I was into playing eighties metal too but didn’t take it far enough to become proficient. Lately I am interested in taking the next step and learn how to improvise and create music. I am really interested in fusion playing but have a long way to go with the technical side of things…

    Hey Kirk. Fort McMurray just happens to be the place where EVERYONE from my town moves to work! I guess they like us New Brunswick’ers.. Maybe I’ll end up there some day! šŸ™‚

    Welcome to the site dude


    Thanks Steve! Yeah lots of New Brunswick’ers up here, I’m originally from NF but have lived all over Canada.


    Welcome aboard eh! I have a few relatives over in Canada, specifically the Toronto Side which is really great.

    Around their area, there are a lot of guitar stores which really benefited me when I went for a visit over their place. There is even this sort of outlet store which sells a lot of stuff with huge discounts on their price tag.

    I hope that you get familiar with the forum here and enjoy your stay.

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