Guitar Rig
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- This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 8 months ago by
Sean Conklin.
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has anyone been using this program?
your opinions?
any tips how to get started?I’m getting a new sound card which is not integrated on my motherboard and I’m planning to do some recording…mostly guitar instrumental stuff with some synth added atmosphere
so, will the program be useful?
and another question; I have some lousy ms industrial 2.1 speakers, will they effect the sound or is it up to sound card only? (general configuration of the pc is rather fine)
thanx in advance
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Wish I could help Pekki, I haven’t used or heard of the program. What kind of program is it exactly? Hopefully someone else here might have some experience with it.
I don’t have any experience with that software, but I have experience with aplitube and other modeling software that uses your soundcard.
Overall, I don’t like them. I think if you’re really on a budget you should just get a line6 guitar port, and those models are just as musical and you’re not using your soundcard, so you’re not dependant on it. If you have more money to spend, I’d spring for a used POD XT Live, or POD X3, as it’s WAY more versatile than those programs, has way more features, sounds better, oh yea, and it’s USB and interfaces directly into most recording software.
The main reason I DON’T like the idea of using a soundcard, is that almost ALL sound cards pick up noise inside the comuter, and almost ALL have cross talk between their inputs and outputs. Unless you’re spending $100+ these issues WILL be noticable by you, and most likely others as well. In studios they try to keep the computers AS FAR AWAY from the main preamps and A/D converters as they can, to minimize the influence the computer has.
So sticking your recording source INSIDE a box filled with all that electromagnetic chaos is just not ideal.
All that being said… there’s guys using computers on stage nowdays with such software as guitar rig and using midi controllers at thier feet to control it. I personaly think this might be a good idea down the road, but I havn’t personally experienced any setup like this that really wows me.
I have not used the software either. I will agree with most of what Gollum said too.
If you can get a seperate Interface for recording, such as the guitar port. Your likely to get much cleaner recordings, not to mention you can dial in the effects you want before you record. Which puts less stress on the computer, seeing as it does not have to process that distortion or chorus or what ever sound you may be after.
Initially I was recording with my guitar straight into the sound card and that did cause some of the ugly noises that Gollum is talking about. So that would be another reason to try an interface.
As for the speakers. You dont need to go spending hundreds of dollars on studio monitors. If you can though, aim for some of the ‘better’ desktop speakers available. The ones I use today cost me about $60au. I’m not sure on the exact model but they are Logitech speakers and include two small tweater’s and a little sub woofer. The sound isn’t excelent but its quite acceptable for the kind of home recording I do. A set with a woofer would be my reccomendation, so far as desktop sets go.
thanx for the tips, they really helped
my budget is extremly low, so buying a BETTER soundcard is the most appropriate solution at this timeI’ll install the hardware in a day or two and post some recordings probably
Yeah definitely post some recordings when you can. Good luck with the soundcard search!
Guitar Rig 3 isn’t to bad, you might be interested in Peaveys Revalver, it’s a bit more convincing, at least to my ears, and costs around the same. It’s not as flashy as GR3, but what it does, imo, it does better than GR3.
You might also like to look at some of the free guitar vst’s that you can get, depending on what you are after, you may well find something you like better.
Studio Devil British Valve Custom, is free, and very nice indeed can also get the full vst, Studio Devil Virtual Guitar Amp, which contains 18 amp models for $79, which is also quite nice, and of course you have a lot more options and variations than the free BVC above. tried a side by side test, with a random selection from Guitar Rig 3 and Revalver, and the Free Studio Devil British Valve Custom, and in the little test I done, there was no question in my mind, Studio Devil sounded the best to my ears for that style, ACDC’ish type thing. It will of course depend on the style of what you are going for etc, but give it a try.
You may also like to try some of the following, all free, try them all, AradazAmp-1.2, AradazAmp2_Green and AradazAmp2_White
Juicy77 Guitar suite (Under Technology) – some people don’t like the cab with dierthead, but you can get other cab impulses to use with it freely on the net.There are many more you can find for free, have a look around, you may find something you like, and save yourself some money.
As for recording on your PC, and using vst’s etc, you would be best to get yourself as good a sound card as you can, otherwise the latency will kill you, not to mention your sound quality will be better. M-Audio has some good, reasonably cheap stuff.
Great post jinotsuh. That’s interesting you bring Revalver up too. Richard Lundmark recently introduced it to me. I have yet to use it first-hand, but have heard all good things about it. Looking forward to checking it out!
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