Hey folks, I recently picked up learning the guitar again, and I’m currently learning mr. Govan’s “Erotic Cakes” which is one of my favourite songs from the album. I can play the rhythm figure just fine, but when I recently tried to write it down I noticed that it’s not all in 4/4 measure. I know the first solo runs over a 5/4 rhythm, but the main riff is really quirky. I THINK it starts with a 16. note right before the 4/4 kicks in, then runs 3 4/4 bars, and every time to figure and its variation kicks in again there’s a bar that I absolutely can’t figure out. I’ve considered 7/8 and even 15/16 but it never makes sense to me.
If any of you kind souls might give me some input on this, it would be highly appreciated :).