Hello from England

Forums Introduce Yourself Hello from England

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    Hi i’m Neil from the UK. I’m still fairly new to playing guitar, I have been trying to learn on and off for around 3 years but have been constant this time for around 8 months. This site is great, i had tried jamplay previously. So far i have found Sean Conklin and Rick Graham to be very good, i will be trying some new instructors soon.

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  • Replies
    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Welcome Neil and thanks for the kind words! Hope you get a lot out of the material here. šŸ™‚


    Hello Neil!

    How old are you? Are you young, Neil Young? šŸ˜‰

    I know my joke sucks ah ah ^^


    Hi Curtis, there is nothing wrong with bad jokes I tell plenty of them. If only i was young and as talented as Neil Young. Hey I’m making my self sound like an “OLD MAN” How’s that for bad!

    Hey man! Welcome to the website!

    Chris Feener
    Chris Feener

    Hey dude! Welcome aboard! Let us know if you have any lesson requests.


    Thanks guys for the warm welcome.

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