Here are my tunes

Forums Listening Lounge Here are my tunes

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    They’re not finished songs, more collections of ideas that have promise. The one I’m most proud of and the one that I really want to finish is called “There Were Times”. Certainly not the final title, just the working one for now. I really like the sound I got. The Amaj7 – Emaj sounds really nice, IMO.

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    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Cool stuff James! I really like the acoustic feel.

    That you singing? “There were Times” definitely stuck out to me. There are some beautiful melodies in that one man! Keep us up to date with this stuff. šŸ™‚


    Thanks, Sean. Yeah, that’s me singing. I didn’t do half bad, but I have a friend from another forum (not that I want to do the vocals. Dude has an amazing voice that will fit perfectly with the feel of the tune.

    And I agree on the melodies. I really think I hit paydirt when I stumbled across that progression and started developing that. It’s got a real taste and feel to it, it stands out. I don’t say that to be immodest, the song just simply has a unique sound to it. I can’t wait to see where it goes.

    We just moved into a new house, so the room that is supposed to be our library/music room/studio is full of ****. Never seems to be enough time to get it all sorted out.

    Mike Edwin
    Mike Edwin

    I just listened to Desolation, very cool. That particular voice of distortion you were using was super cool considering the style. Allmost cheap and nasty like a fab tone or what ever those horrendus pedals were called. I mean all of this in a good way though. I dig bands like satyricon and burzum, and both of those crews, although excelent, have really dodgy distortion. It all adds to the flavour though.

    Keep em comming !! šŸ˜€

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