
Forums Introduce Yourself Hey!

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    Hey, how’s it goin’?
    I’m Conor Greenwood and I’m new to IG (Sounds like an AA Meeting haha).
    This is exactly what i’ve been looking for – Serious bang for the buck, Can’t believe I haven’t caught on earlier!
    I’ve been playing for about 18 months – Short, Yes, But i know that music is what i want to do and am inspired by all of your work.
    A big thanks to all the tutors on this site, i’ve already learnt a lot and watching you guys play only makes me want to learn more!
    I’m on Youtube too under the same “Conor4049” alias – Only one video up to now, but there’s more to come!
    See you all around!

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  • Replies
    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Yo Conor!

    Welcome man. šŸ™‚ I checked out your Cliffs of Dover video, nice job there! Sounding great, especially for just playing for a year and a half.

    Great to have you here and I’ll see you around the forum,

    Rick Graham
    Rick Graham

    Welcome Conor! Another talent from the pool šŸ˜‰ it’s a pleasure to have you here dude!

    Tom Quayle
    Tom Quayle

    Hey Conor! Welcome to the site!

    Great to have you here and I loved the youtube video. Have you only been playing 15months? That’s a fantastic achievement for such a short amount of time.

    All the best,



    Cheers guys, glad to be here!
    Yeah, 15 months in that video, about 18/19 now though. I seem to have no problem learning songs and licks, it comes natural….Theory on the other hand šŸ˜” haha
    Already learnt a lot from this site though, so hopefully that’ll all change!
    Cya around dudes šŸ˜€

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