
Forums Introduce Yourself Hiya

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    Hi everyone, i just stumbled across this site and was really impressed with the free lessons so i signed up for a month, now im a bit overwhelmed with all the new lessons avalable but im looking foward to checking them out over the next few weeks. Im mostley into old prog rock and metal as well as all the usual guitar hero shred type stuff. The guitarists ive been listning to at the moment mostly are Robert Fripp, Steve Hillage and Shawn Lane but that will probably change tommorow. thats about all i can think of for now and hopefully ill see you all around.

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    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Welcome ice9! Glad you’re enjoying the lessons bro. šŸ™‚

    Enjoy your time here and be sure to let us know if you need anything.

    See you around the site!

    PS. What’s your avatar from? Looks familiar.


    Its Jek Porkins, my faverite Star Wars character (yes im a massive star wars nerd im afraid)

    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    haha that’s awesome! I thoroughly enjoy Star Wars. Do you like the new episodes better or the old ones? Of the new ones, I think “Revenge of the Sith” is awesome, but the other 2 were just okay to me. I think there’s something special about the old ones from the 80’s.


    welcome šŸ™‚

    Rick Graham
    Rick Graham

    Hey man, Welcome to IG!

    Hehe I’m looking at your avatar I know that guy just aint gonna make it…………
    Steve Hillage you say? man I haven’t heard him since my college days, great player

    Nice nick too


    Welcome to IG and yep cool avatar you got there:)

    Mike Edwin
    Mike Edwin

    Hey there! Welcome to IG šŸ™‚

    If your still feeling a bit overwhelmed with the lessons or cant figure out where to start. Drop us a line over at the Premium Members area and we will see if we can point you in the right direction!

    Enjoy you stay.

    Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay in this wonderful land of guitar! šŸ˜€

    golitaths character is from the tv show metalocolypse, the band dethklok, featured on guitar hero!!!oh yeah guitar hero rocks!

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