Hi Folks- just signed up today for the full site as I have been meaning to for quite some time… First off I just wanted to thank the Instructors and admin here for creating such an incredible resource for all of us to learn and evolve musically! I have been playing for a number of years, and a few months ago I had bought several of Tom’s lessons from his own site- after discussing his playing at length with Derryl Gabel- who has been my guitar teacher for about a year and I just knew that I needed access to all of the amazing instructional content here at IG…
Loved all of the instructor’s playing- and I feel like I just generally say “Wow!” each time one of them do their thing so I’m hoping hanging out here with tons of other folks who are equally obsessed with improving musically and learning from one another has a concrete impact in my own music as well… I have been playing a LONG time- and still consider myself just a student and I think I will always have that aperture as I still feel just as hungry as when I started playing as a little kid hehe. I’m definitely another huge fusion guy- loving a plethora of musicians so I will just leave it brief like that… Anyway enough of my afternoon rambling- in our cases I think notes paint a better picture- so I have posted a quickie improv from youtube where I was just jammin live on the net to relieve boredom :D…