
Forums Introduce Yourself Howdy

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    I’m new to IG, but I’ve been playing for over 17 years. I’m always looking for new material for myself and my students and found a lot of the content on this site to be really interesting and helpful. I look forward to learning more from you guys.

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    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Welcome Tony! Great to hear you’ve been enjoying the site. What kind of music are you into these days?


    I’ve always been a fan of progressive metal, and more recently I’ve come to enjoy the sounds of djent. Its probably kind of strange for a metal head, but I also lead worship at a church in NC.

    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    No kidding that’s awesome man. I used to play guitar and drums for a church I went to when I was a lot younger. Was a really cool experience. So I gather you sing?

    What djent bands do you listen to? I dig a lot of Periphery, Born of Osiris etc. I tend to write a lot of djent stuff in my music, best genre ever! haha

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