Howdy… A little confused.

Forums Introduce Yourself Howdy… A little confused.

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    Just signed up a few minutes ago. Hoping to learn a bunch! hehehe.

    Since im as basic as they come, i was wondering where I should start? What lessons should I begin with?

    Site looks awesome and I’m very excited.

    Thanks in advance,


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  • Replies
    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Hey Alex,

    Welcome aboard! You’ve come to the right place. šŸ™‚

    If you’re a total beginner, I’d recommend reviewing our beginner plan list for starters: That can help you get started on a lot of the basics of guitar playing. You can also filter through many more beginner lessons using the Lesson Search tool.

    Also, what kind(s) of music are you looking to learn? Anything in particular? Be sure to use the Lesson Search to zone in on beginner lessons in styles you like.

    Again welcome and it’s great to have you here! Feel free to give us a shout in the instructor forums if you ever have lesson questions.

    See you around the site,


    Hey Sean,

    Thank you for the link. Thas exactly what I was looking for.

    I’ve been learning the chord’s for now. Is that a good place to start?

    I dont have anything specific, just wanting to learn.

    Thank you very much for your help,

    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Hey Alex,

    Definitely, chords are a great place to start. Mike Edwin has some excellent chord tutorials under the “Chords” section of the Beginner Plan. He explains chord shapes and why chords are formed the way they are, some great stuff.

    Have fun learning! šŸ™‚

    Tom Quayle
    Tom Quayle

    Hey Alex!

    Welcome aboard mate. I plan to do quite a bit of beginner material for people just starting out but as Sean said if you follow the beginner lesson plan I’m sure you’ll find it a great place to start.

    I wish you all the best along your musical journey! It’s always an interesting and fun one!

    Ask away if you have any specific requests or requirements and I’m sure we’ll all do our best to help you out.

    Thanks for being a member of this great site. I hope you learn a lot here and enjoy the experience.
    All the best mate!


    Rick Graham
    Rick Graham

    Welcome Alex!

    The lessons plans are a great way to focus on your particular wants and needs but don’t be afraid to have a good dig around if the mood takes you as there is so much to learn here.

    Best of luck and any questions, just ask. šŸ™‚

    Welcome onboard mate!
    I predict a long trip with smooth sailing for you šŸ™‚


    Welcome man šŸ™‚

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