Intro to Sniklfitz

Forums Introduce Yourself Intro to Sniklfitz

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    The names Aaron. Ive been blessed with the ability to pick up the guitar fairly well. Ive been playing for the past 9 years. Ive been in just one band since ive started playing and it just broke up. So, now I have alot more time to focus on my own writing and development as a musician. My ex bass player turned me on to this site. I liked it so much that I signed up for a year. So fare just from the first night Its done me alot of good. Hopefully, it will help me progress in my guitar playing. Undoubtedly, it will.

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    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Hey Aaron, welcome aboard man!

    Sorry to hear about your band breaking up. Hopefully it will work out for the best though.

    What kind of gear are you playing these days?

    Welcome on board man, even though it is a sad thing to loose such a long-time connection,
    as with a band, this does open up new vistas for you to explore, not only with regards to your own playing, but also by playing in new constellations, taking inspiration and creativity from other (new) musicians.

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