Hey everyone, 45 year old novice here……….I’ve been tinkering with guitar,bass and a drums for about 24 years and I’m not real good at any of them, not good at all.
But I love the music and want to spend more time with my guitar. My kids are growing up and all but 1 (of 5) are self sufficient, or on their way to it.
Now I’d like to give real guitar playing a more serious shot and would like to play live somewhere before my time is up.
I looked around on line and did the research and free membership thing. I was really drawn here by the vibe of the instructors and a few of the members and their skills.
There looks to be many great musicians on this sight,you guys are incredible, if I can play 1/1000th of what I’ve seen it’ll be success for me.
Well here goes……………………………