OLP John Petrucci – Junk?

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    Hey Everyone!!

    Ok, so in my local music shop the OLP JP is on sale for $250 flat NIB. Lately I’ve been wanting a EBMM JP but will never be able to afford it(since I’m only 14) so I heard the alternative was the OLP. Should I go for it? is it junk? is it a good guitar? What should I do?

    If I do get it, I am planning to swap the p-ups for either a DiMarzio Steve’s Special for the bridge or a DiMarzio D-Sonic(bridge) & a DiMarzio Air Norton in the neck. As for the trem, I know it is a floating trem with no locking. What tuners do you guys recommend I get for “Locking Tuners”, because I am a pretty whammy crazy kind of guy!! LOL

    Any help will be much appreciated, thank you,


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    I’ve heard they are good guitars Eric….I’d go for it….especially if you swap out the pickups….:D

    Good luck.


    I have heard good things about them. I reccomed you ask sean conklin because he uses one.
    For locking tuners I reccomed sparzel locking tuners, I am also whammy crazy and they work amazing 🙂
    Also try checking on ebay for used EBMM JP guitars, maybe you can find a good deal.

    Hope you can get a good guitar!!


    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    For the money you pay, OLP Petrucci’s are awesome. Like Alejandro said, I use one myself and I’ve been very happy with it for a lot of years. I also used to own an EBMM Petrucci 7-string, and while the OLP isn’t quite up to par with that quality, it is still a very quality guitar and well worth the cheap price.

    Get it! 🙂


    Wow looks like an awesome affordable guitar :o, but i looked everywhere and cant find any non-used for sale, are they discontinued or something ?

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