Outside secrets dvd by derryl gabel
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I did this for shredknowledge.com and found it a great title so enjoy so enjoy
2.The Diminished Scale
3.Using Diminished over the V Chord
4.Groups of 4
5.Cascading Arps
6.Groups of 5
7.Groups of 5 Extentions
8.Hybrids 1
9.Hybrids 2
10.Hybrid Extentions
12.Wide Interval Hybrids
13.Wide Interval Hybrids 2
14.Wide Interval Hybrid Extentions
15.Six String Arpeggio Sweeps
17.”Aeolian Island” ( Performance )
18.Blues Scale
19.Bonus Lick
20.”One Day” Blu-ray Edition only( Performance )
All examples are transcribed in the Power Tab and PDF format which is included on the DVD.GO STRAIGHT TO BUY DVD
Fusion virtuoso Derryl Gables 12th DVD and 4th DVD in the Outside Secret titles is a must have look into the workings and mechanics of a modern fusionist.
This another great leap forward for those in pursuit on an understanding of outside sounds and fusion virtuosity all taught by someone who can walk the walk and to such a high standard.This package not only has a huge resource of concepts, mechanics , theory , technique and a host of 75 examples and licks to keep you going for a long time to come. If that wasn’t enough there is also the extra’s and bonus mp3 backings, diagrams , three note per string shapes in diagram form , hybrid and extended forms of the scales and that great stuff is in both PDF- on screen diagrams and in power tab format (readable in guitar pro).
One quick point of interest , Derryl is using both his Holdsworth carvin and a new one he’s just got , plus Pg audio that’s who make band in a box has endorsed him , as well as d’addario strings and Fractal audio (Axe FX)
Like all the tuition that i’ve reviwed from Derryl this is very methodical and takes the student through every position and permutation for the concepts he is teaching.
You don’t get the showing one pattern and getting you to come up with the rest in your time kind of deal , you go through every note, shape and concept ALL positions and at a slow useful to learn from tempo .
The beginning of the DVD has Derryl soloing true to form , he introduces the diminished scale and with the new neck diagram software has the shapes on the screen to learn.
DVD Part one – Using the diminished over a V7 or the 5 chord.
Derryl shows and explains how he has learned the shapes and how to use the diminished scale. His very honest, no waffle and straightforward approach plus sharing his own shortcommings as a beginner is both inspiring and insitefull.His concept of keeping to string groups and area’s to learn these complex patterns is one thing he shows, also how he uses it to weave inside and outside scale and chord tones.
There are some great tips in this section and a good foundation for not only this scale but any outside concepts by limiting yourself to area’s.
Exercise set 1
The next area Derryl goes into in the DVD is the exercises. This is something that he is so well known for , the diminished arpeggios in 4 note groups in 4th intervals are very cool and make the diminished arpeggio sound non neo-classical as is can so often sound .
EX set 2,
Cascading ,
Derryl adds some great technique into the mix with cascading groups of 4
Ex set 3
Sweep and hammer the groups of 5
This is a really smooth and cool sound, adding the sweep and hammer/pull you get some fluidity very quickly.
Ex set 4
These extended groups of 5 in tri-tones using the hybrid shapes are very fusion.
Ex set 5
Hybrids on the high strings , without giving too much away, hybrids are a form of notes that take different interval jumps and sound un-scale like.This is quite a large section and goes through various forms of the hybrids and ways to play string groups, tons of fun.
Hybrids with diagrams …classy stuff, once you get a few of the concepts they carry over to all your scales ad arpeggios so well worth the study.
Ex set 6 carries on with the above subject on different strings and more shifts and permutations, after slow demo’s then Derryl does them at mental tempo’s . .
Ex set 7 carries on with the above subject on different strings and more shifts and permutations, after slow demo’s then Derryl does them at mental tempo’s .
Ex set 8
Very wide interval extensions in a permutation 313 up the neck .
Ex set 9
This section is all the above over different string groups and hybrids.
Ex set 10
This section is all the above over different string groups and hybrids.
The he rocket boosts through them all š he’s not human .
EX set 11
Six string sweeping exercises, a very fast way to play the chord tones in succession – very shred .
I love this part , Derryl plays the licks slow then fast , and I mean fast , there is a great explanation of the licks both in the PDF and powertabs.These licks has a host of stuff I could give away but trust be the techniques are worth the price of the DVD alone
There some great and unusual licks you’d be learning and they always springboard off into whole new ways of looking at the scales and fretboard.
I wont spoil it too much but the end has some blues scale stuff thats far out of the box kind of thing , you’ll really love this .
Now this should be something you SK guys could spot , if you do I’ll give you a prize for getting the connection , I can’t say no more than that or I’ll give it away but a clue is – Holdsworth
A very good investment , for the fusionist but anyone getting the “I want out of the boxt” or ” Show me new colours” will benefit , even the metal shredder will most definately get some cool licks and tricks plus the super advancing fuisionist will gain a whole host of stuff to use immediately .The great thing about this DVD is also the follow up support Derryl gable gives via email and the option of lessons as some of this stuff is ultra virtuoso standard but even if your a new shredder/fusionist this stuff will definitely tune you into some stuff.
I wish I’d have had this when I was first learning.
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Great DVD indeed and his private instruction is stellar as well!
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