Quayle 5sec run? transcribe?
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- This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 7 months ago by
Richard Lundmark.
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Hey guys!
I just discovered today that Tom Quayle left IG (in March)….:(? I joined this site b’cos of him!! He will be sorely missed.
Can anyone tell me what is going on between 1:20 to 1:25?? Is there string skipping involved? Hammer ons from nowhere? Legato is so difficult to decipher when its played upto speed…..this 5sec run is probably going to be my “Everest”…any help/advise will be greatly appreciated…
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Sure man, I’ll tab it out for you. However, it will have to wait a few days I’m afraid, have to finish my tutorial for this month. Once that’s up on the site, I’ll get cracking for you with this one.
A pointer whilst you wait though. There is a mix between hybrid picking and hammer-ons from nowhere (never with the index finger though) in these type of runs.In the meantime, to help get your head around these type runs, check out this tab I did for Diezelriggs
(Tom’s Silly Arpeggio). I tabbed it in standard tuning, fourths tuning as well a “regular” picked version with different fingerings.
https://www.infiniteguitar.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=125&d=1278456094Thank you so much for your reply Richard. Will defo check out the link posted. Hope tabbing this wouldn’t be too much trouble….its just that 5sec run from 1:20 to 1:25….phwoar!!!
You’re very kind…legatofix;11432 wrote:Thank you so much for your reply Richard. Will defo check out the link posted. Hope tabbing this wouldn’t be too much trouble….its just that 5sec run from 1:20 to 1:25….phwoar!!!
You’re very kind…No problems bro, happy to help. The only real hassle tabbing these things are having to
note which notes are picked, which are played with the right hand fingers (and which fingers),so that makes it somewhat more time consuming, However, it is essential to grasp how it should be played that these things are noted. I’ll post a reply with a linked tab-image for you, and should you after that want the .gp file, just shoot me a PM here at the site, with your email, I’ll send it to you.Hey man, I managed to get a little time in before bed, so I tabbed it out for you.
However, just a few notes.1.) It is very hard to distinguish which individual right hand fingers play what note in hybrid picking, since the movements are so very small. So, I tabbed it out as I would play it, from what I can see however, Tom tends to favor using only the pick and middle finger (“M” in the tab) when hybrid picking, whilst I go more for the Garsed-method of using middle and ring-finger in equal measure. Feel free to explore your own personal way here, whatever SOUNDS best in the end, is the right technique for you.
2.) When the run turns into a descending pattern, Tom slightly speeds up, falling slightly in front of the beat, almost falling into quintuplets. Since I can’t really that he IS playing quintuplets, I decided to keep it noted as sixteen notes. Bear in mind that this type of “rushing the beat” as well as “Chasing the beat”, playing ever so slightly in front of or behind the beat is a very common practice in traditional jazz, and one that Tom has expertly brought along into his fusion playing. My advice here is to play along with the video until you nail it cleanly, and then try to mimic the “feel” of the “rush”.
3.) The line is all in C# Dorian (second mode of B major, thus the key signature of Bmajor in the tab), with exception for the chromatic passing note of C up on top.
4.) Enjoy, and let me know if you have any questions, or as I said, if you want the .GP-file to practice to, shoot me a PM.
Thank you so much Richard…you’re a star! Will get cracking on this asap and keep you posted on the “progress”!!….hehehe. Is this in EADGBE tuning or Tom’s 4ths tuning?
legatofix;11475 wrote:Thank you so much Richard…you’re a star! Will get cracking on this asap and keep you posted on the “progress”!!….hehehe. Is this in EADGBE tuning or Tom’s 4ths tuning?Sorry, I forgot to mention that, I tabbed it in standard tuning for you. If you do want to try it in fourths tuning, just play everything on the E & B-strings 1 fret down (when tuned to C and F on those strings) and you play it exactly as Tom’s does fingering-wise.
As for me, I recognize the benefits of using 4ths tuning for this stuff, but I can’t see myself having the time anywhere in the future to sit down and re-learn my entire playing style to adapt to this tuning, so I’ll rather take what fits standard tuning and rather treat everything conceptually (as I try to make a point of in many of my tutorials). When you have the concepts and technique down, what tuning you use is not half as important as those two.
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