Random Thoughts and Questions Pt.1

Forums General Discussion Random Thoughts and Questions Pt.1

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    Basically, in this thread, just say whatever it is that you have on your mind at the time. Just go nuts. It doesn’t have to make sense, it can be a problem, or just mindless drivel. Whatever floats your boat.

    But be sure to keep it clean. This IS a family-orientated board. šŸ˜‰

    I’ll get started.

    Anyways…my side hurts and I don’t know why. It’s kinda like this throbbing ache on my left side near the small of my back. It’s not like it does it all the time. Sometimes it only is around for a little while and then it just disappears. It started a few months ago while I was at my old job, and it never seems to completely go away. I’m not too concerned cause it really doesn’t bother me a whole lot, but still… it kinda pisses me off.
    And I can’t go and get it checked out because I have no health insurance and no doctor. Being poor sucks. šŸ™

    Also, I can’t wait for May. The Prog Nation tour is coming to Chicago, and this one dude is gonna give me a ride down there, but it’s also on the day that I have Imporv, so I’ll have to see if that is the day for the final exam. if so, then I cant go and have to find someone to sell the ticket to.

    Mmmm…fish sticks, french fries and Dr. Pepper. Could there be anything better?

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  • Replies
    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    I could be wrong, but you may be thinking of “cuticles”.


    @Sean Conklin 1882 wrote:

    I could be wrong, but you may be thinking of “cuticles”.

    Aren’t those the white things under your finger nails?

    I think he’s talking about hang nails?

    Why does my cat feel the need to stand in front of my monitor and sleep there ONLY when i am using the computer?

    @tjchep 1867 wrote:

    How are babies made?

    I have a factory šŸ˜€


    @Nocturnal Majesty 1894 wrote:

    I have a factory šŸ˜€

    That’s alot of mommys and daddys..



    Why does it happen when you bite your mouth on the inside, you keep biting the same spot for a few days?


    @OutLaw2112 1908 wrote:

    Why does it happen when you bite your mouth on the inside, you keep biting the same spot for a few days?

    Probably because where you bite it kinda gets pinched down from the first time and sticks out where you will end up biting it again. Remember, your jaw is made up of strong muscles so if you end up biting your cheek then it will do some damage.

    Mike Edwin
    Mike Edwin

    I had to ask this one.

    What is the meaning of life? And dont say 42 šŸ˜‰


    @Mike Edwin 1934 wrote:

    I had to ask this one.

    What is the meaning of life? And dont say 42 šŸ˜‰

    42.5 actually šŸ˜›

    @Mike Edwin 1934 wrote:

    I had to ask this one.

    What is the meaning of life? And dont say 42 šŸ˜‰

    Shred, Pwn, Be Epic, Be Metal, Be Metal and Epic whilst Shredding and Pwning.


    @Nocturnal Majesty 1945 wrote:

    Shred, Pwn, Be Epic, Be Metal, Be Metal and Epic whilst Shredding and Pwning.

    That owned. End of story.

    @Mike Edwin 1934 wrote:

    I had to ask this one.

    What is the meaning of life? And dont say 42 šŸ˜‰

    It’s 34 šŸ˜‰

    Mike Edwin
    Mike Edwin

    haha “Ep1c Pwn4g3”

    @Mike Edwin 2212 wrote:

    haha “Ep1c Pwn4g3”


    Sorry, I couldn’t resist. haha 1337 speak always kinda irritates me…

    Now back on topic:

    Could God Microwave a burrito so hot, that even he himself could not eat it?

    Also, I think that kleenex should make tissues that have little targets on them. Ya know, make it kinda sporting when your with your friends:


    LOOK DAN, AN 85!


    Why do architects make plans if they never have any intent of sticking by them?

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