request and suggestion from myself

Forums General Discussion request and suggestion from myself

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    hello guys in infinite guitar im kostia from isreal and i got this site from mr. pavel himself how all y’all doing?

    well i wanted to please request can you guys please put tabs view on lessons for those who not necessarily have an premium account like u did on the free lessons? i think in the end of the day its all about the learning experience and maybe don’t let them see the link but please put the tablature so students can also got something out of it?

    i would like to hear your inputs and what u guys think

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  • Replies
    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Hey man!

    Thanks for the suggestion. šŸ™‚

    I believe I speak for all the IG instructors though when I say that we want our lessons viewed in their entirety. That way you can get the most out of them. Our goal with IG is to help you grasp every aspect of guitar playing, and just showing the tabs alone wouldn’t accomplish that.

    Thanks again for your suggestion though! We always appreciate feedback and ideas.


    Hey bro,

    Thanks for joining the fun!
    I do agree with Sean as well.
    “lick”-based lessons is one thing,
    if the lick is pretty self explanatory.

    However, as we aim to provide with a total
    learning experience here at infinite guitar,
    most of our lessons are and will be tutorial-based,
    that is, longer, more in-depth lessons, that covers
    not just a lick or a tab, but also has a lot of analysis
    and conceptual discussion. If for instance you were to look at my
    “Pentatonic Finder” tutorial without reading the very thorough text
    accompanying it, you would only see a lot of scale diagrams,
    but would not get the actual concept on how to use those for
    complete improvisational freedom.



    hey guys and thanks for the responses

    well what im saying is that are many lessons in here that may help and its just a bummer not to be able to get them or even see them because a certain reason its almost like to feel punished in a way u know
    i support this site and i think that u guys have really something good going on’s just be better if i think more people could get a hang of more things

    so maybe put out sheet music in the non viewed lessons so like people could try to understand stuff themself u know so there will be kinda equivalence to both kind of users u know…

    Well, this is Sean’s department, but I’m guessing that as the sites grows, so will the free material section as well.

    Suggestion: I think creating an entire forum for introduction is a little overkill. Having a thread called “Introduce yourself” sticky-ed might do the job equally as well without making a ton of sub-forums. Just my 5 cents.

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