The right way to look at scales!

Forums Guitars, Gear, Software & Education The right way to look at scales!

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    The way I look at it, there are only 7 scales in music!
    The definition of a scale is a group of notes that doesn’t have 2 consecutive half steps and no interval larger than a minor third!

    with definition this in mind there are only 7 scales in existence:

    major 1234567 (7modes)
    melodic minor 12b34567 (7modes)
    harmonic minor 12b345b67 (7modes)
    harmonic major 12345b67 (7modes)

    3 symmetrical
    diminished 12b34b5b6bb77 (2modes)
    whole tone 123#4#5b7 (1mode)
    augmented 1#235b67 (2 modes)

    This definition of scales gives you every possible combination of 4 part chords with 3 available tensions and basically gives you the complete outlook that is necessary to play through any harmonic possibility.

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    I know the modes of the Major Scale, all 7. What are the modes of the melodic minor, harmonic minor, harmonic major, 2 diminished, 1 whole tone and 2 augmented.


    3 symmetrical
    diminished 12b34b5b6bb77 (2modes)
    whole tone 123#4#5b7 (1mode)
    augmented 1#235b67 (2 modes)


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