The Tragedy Of Sarah (Work In Progress)

Forums Listening Lounge The Tragedy Of Sarah (Work In Progress)

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    Here is a Demo i threw together of a song im working on, mostly instrumental, and this demo is missing a solo (around 3:52 or so is where a third is supposed to kick in), Its not amazing quality, But im still happy with it, Im working on getting some better equipment, mainly a soundcard, and hopefully it will be better quality then, Hope you enjoy it! šŸ™‚

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    Treid to download it but get PAGE NOT FOUND after “Downloding is starting”. Maybe you can just post it as attachment here? You can post ZIP files so you could ZIP it and post right here šŸ™‚

    Ah dangit, the file is to big, it exceed the limit, Well anyway, I got a link that WILL work right here lol

    That should do it now.

    Mike Edwin
    Mike Edwin

    must be a member to access that one šŸ™

    The Thrasher

    I really like it, good job dude šŸ™‚

    Can’t get it because i can’t even load the page. No worries – i’ll try to download it as soon as this fixes.


    As not everyone can access that link I re-upped it onto MegaUpload šŸ™‚

    Ahhh, thanks many owen!!

    It sounds really good šŸ™‚ I hear some Maiden / Iced Earth in it šŸ™‚


    Good job.

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