What do you do the most?
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- This topic has 12 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 9 months ago by
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Just a general poll for you guys.
What do you spend most of your time doing when your being musical?
Practicing scales, learning songs, transcribing tunes, composing, arranging, analyzing melody’s and harmony, thinking about how Rick is such a menace on the guitar? :p or other things?
Personally I try find time to do a bit of everything during the week. Often It is hard to cover every base though. There just isn’t the time.
So how about any of you? Do you find yourself focusing on one area or do you branch out and give yourself a broad range of things to study. Do you have any kind of method to this madness? ie; strict scheduling from 7am to Xpm or do you just stay up until all hours, lost in the joy of it all š
I have no method most of the time unfortunately. Like right now, Its 2am and I’m posting. In about 10 minutes Ill have the axe out no doubt. Next thing I know it will be morning and I’ll have to head off to rehearsals. (tired and regretful)
Anyway, I’m listening to Joe Pass right now and he played something I have been meaning to work out. Maybe I’ll work it into a lesson soon. This guy is the master.
Oh yea.
Respond as you wish š
- Replies
what I do the most i think, is improvise, i just grab my guitar and improvise for ours. I practice many things at the same time, like speed, cool licks, nice phrases, etc.
Lately it’s been all about to tapping into myself to find something new. Step up to the guitar, and what can I play today that’s new that comes from deep within and expresses emotion? That’s my challenge to myself that I find challenging and rewarding.
I spend an hour + a guitar center last night playing an egnater tourmaster 4100 and mesa roadster and it’s amazing what came out in just an hour. But to be honest the gear has a lot to do with what I’m inspired to play. When I play guitar I envision it as a 3 person dance between me, my guitar, and my amp. We all move uniquely to accomodate eachother and help eachother breathe. If one fails we all fail. If one stops breathing we all stop breathing.
So when I power up my 63′ Silvertone Twin Twelve and flip that standby switch I listen to those speakers like they give me life. What are they saying to me? What do I want to say to them? Does she bark, scream, or sing?
I am still trying to learn some songs.. but learning tabs is too boring for me, so I grab my guitar, listen to the song and try to make copy of it by the sounding of the strings. I think ItĀ“s also a good way to learn guitar better š
writing my own music… ill start practicing and hear something that would sound like a cool riff and start messing with that
I’ve mostly been trying improve my vibrato and also work on building both my hands to be in sync so i can start sweeping.
i practice riffing and scales and speed and rhythm alot. but lately iv been thinking about getting somthign to record to and start arranging and creating sweet harmonys. also i practice chords and learning songs via guitar pro
I spent most of my time trying to compose music. I thought I was over my 1Ā½ year writer’s block, in which I have written about 1Ā½ piece of music. Seriously, no kidding. I geuss I’m just putting too much pressure on my self, but I used to be able to write a lot and a lot better than now also – though not as technical demanding/properly harmonized stuff. I write 4-16 measures of music or so, and after 4 listenings I don’t like it anymore. Baeh, I gotta find a solution on this one.
Besides that, I’m getting more and more into a practice routing, and I geuss my new primary thing will be legato. I was always very fond of the whammy, but since my new guitar’s whammy is pretty crap, I had to find a new primary focus. Quite naturally that came to legato for some reason. Besides that I’m trying to incorporate that dive the whammy could give through slides (i.e. back and forth a tone/semitone or similar). Maybe that’ll turn out to something nice too.
Usually alternate picking practice, then some nice songs or tunes. I also improvise a lot, just pick up the guitar and messing up with stupid things. 90% it really sucks.. but on the good side, 10% of the stuff is pretty good š
I usually just pick the guitar up and play to whatever music is playing on winamp at that moment. Just take out the chords and try to play whatever tones the singer’s singing, or improvising if there’s no song.
I’ve been really stuck in the E and A minor (G/C major) scales before, so I’m trying to get a little more familiar with my fretboard when playing, shifting positions and whatever you do when practicing scales : )Sometimes I dig out some of old tabs and shred a little. It’s always fun pushing beyond the limits. Especially with the right hand. I’ve always underestimated how important the right hand is for speed and accuracy.
I spend most of my spare time composing. Unfortunately I don’t have much spare time though. But when I do, I always find myself composing with my guitar along with midi software. Composing is just my “zone”. Love it! š
I do the same thing… spend most of my time writitng my own music, and alot of times the music in my head is hard for me to play.. Ive been trying to limit my time composing so i can practice other things
@FretDancer69 3302 wrote:
what I do the most i think, is improvise, i just grab my guitar and improvise for ours. I practice many things at the same time, like speed, cool licks, nice phrases, etc.
Me too! š
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