What’s Your Music Recording Setup?
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- This topic has 13 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by
Robert Mussatti.
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I myself have a very humble setup on my computer. I have a Line 6 guitarport with gearbox software for my sounds. Then I do all my live recording through a program called Cool Edit Pro (now known as Adobe Audition), and I use Cubase for when I need to sample drums. That’s about it! I do love how the guitarport makes things so simple to get my guitar sound to the PC.
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I use Marshall’s AVT50 DI-OUT to record straight into the PC with Cubase SX3. I also do all instruments in Cubase with Miroslav Philharmonika for orchestra stuff, Spectrasonics Trilogy for bass and XLN Addictive drums.
When it gets to composing i do it in Sibelius 5 as it’s best way to write all instruments at the same time and actually have all your music notated.
I have a line6 FlextoneII running DI to a Behrinher Eurorack mixer (crappy mixer) into the soundcard.
With Finale 2006 & Band in a Box for backings. Recorded with Adobe Audition.I dont know if its my inexperience with recording or just my setup but im keen to try out that guitar port. Your clean sounds are much better than I have been able to record so far Sean.
For now, all I have is by Line6 AX2 going straight into my sound card and into Audacity.
This is it till I get my M-Audio interface with pro tools and my EZTrack Toondrumer thing.
Line6 Toneport GX with Gearbox, into either my Macbook Pro, or my iMac. For video a Pansonic NV-GS300. M1 520 active studio monitors. Btw, Sean, would you mind emailing me your Gearbox tones? 🙂
You got a great metal sound going there. Do you use only the standard models, or have you purchased the metalpack?For guitar I usually use a line6 xt live into a yamaha aw16g multitrack (used as mixer) into the soundcard and into sonar5. Of late tho, I’ve been mic’ing up my H&K switchblade with a shure sm58 and it’s working pretty well. Drumkit from hell superior for drums.For synth sounds I use a roland xv5050 with orchestra and drums expansion boards.
Got myself a PODX3 and Adobe Audition, switching tio Cubase SX soon. And no, I don’t have any good clips of the X3, because I suck/can’t mix.
I have a Line6 PodPro going into Cubase4 via Behringer Xenyx1622FX Mixer. Alesis SR16 (at the moment!) for drums, Bass Pod for (er) Bass, and I have an old but trusty Roland XP30 for everything else.
My guitars are a 1998 Ibanez Jem 7FP and an 03 US Fender Strat with some mod’s!
Myself I use Line6-Toneport through cubase then I have my Boss Dr-880 Drum machine connected to my Tascam Us-224 line in left and right, I also have a CME midi keyboard with Hypersonic VST instruments But don’t use that as much as I should lol the Tascam US-224 is fantastic I can control what happens on the screen from this little desk:)
I’ll be embarrasing myself now, but I’ll say it anyways.
I bought a GT6 way back when it just came out. It’s not really the best, but it was what I could afford and can afford. After a lot of years with that, I’ve gotten some pretty decent tones from it. Besides, I’ve heard that Mikael Åkerfeldt uses GT3 live, so at least I’m not the only one using the GT-series. I have never really saved up money for anything else, as I’ve had so many other things to spend money on.
Besides the GT6, I have a V-amp2.
Those two I use, and then Cubase, Ezdrummer, with drumkit from hell. I also use my digital piano.
I really want to sell my GT6 and V-amp, but no ones wants to buy them! 😛
Yeah I had the old Boss GT-5 when I was younger, then upgraded to the GT-6 after a while. Don’t have them anymore though, probably sold the GT-6 4 or 5 years ago. They sure had tons of effects, I remember having a hard time getting a decent tone with both units though. I’ve had much more fun and success with the Line 6 line – PODxt, Guitarport and such.
I have a Line 6 POD X3 Live and a Digitech GNX4. But I don’t have any recording setups at the moment.
@Sean Conklin 911 wrote:
Yeah I had the old Boss GT-5 when I was younger, then upgraded to the GT-6 after a while. Don’t have them anymore though, probably sold the GT-6 4 or 5 years ago. They sure had tons of effects, I remember having a hard time getting a decent tone with both units though. I’ve had much more fun and success with the Line 6 line – PODxt, Guitarport and such.
Yeah, getting a good tone takes…forever with GT-6. I’m fairly satisfied with what I’ve got from it now though.
So right now, all I have is an M-Audio Fast Track with Session software and a Line6 Guitar port.
Can’t get more ghetto than that folks! hahaha.
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