Instructor: Chris Feener Level: Advanced Topic: Exercises Style: Any Style
Excerpt: I always receive questions along the lines of "How did you develop your technique?", "What is your practice regimen?", "How did you get so fast?". For one, I never really had a practice regimen and more-or-less played for the love of playing, but there are a few exercises I've been doing for years and are still vital pieces of my warm-up (should one be requi...
Media Length: 0:38
Instructor: Chris Feener Level: Advanced Topic: Exercises Style: Any Style
Excerpt: Very ala Petrucci/Gilbert, let's get our pick hand fired up by blowing through each and every mode of G major. With each full ascend (occupying 5 bars) we see the same "up-down-up" pattern. After each of these ascends, however, we're faced with a quick descend in groupings of three. Note that these groupings are not triplets, rather, played at the exact sam...
Media Length: 4:29
Instructor: Chris Feener Level: Advanced Topic: Exercises Style: Any Style
Excerpt: So let's take the exact same "up and down" scalar motion, and put our fret hand to work. I've always found that the most efficient way of warming up the fret hand is by playing things that are slightly uncomfortable. What I mean by this is, involving wider stretches between fingers (in this case, incorporating 3 note-per-string pentatonics) and using a more...
Media Length: 3:17