Hey there and welcome to another lesson with me here at the web's coolest guitar instructional site!
We will be looking at a very popular piece for classical guitar entitled 'Romanza'. There seems to be a variety of titles for this piece but in order to avoid any confusion let's stick with the most frequently used title and after all, it's the music that we are concerned with.
This piece is an ideal opportunity for those guitarists who are experienced as electric players but are new to the world of classical playing and would like to get their toes wet, to go ahead and wet them. Technically and harmonically this piece is relatively simple although there are some sections which will need solid left hand technique. The right hand consists of the same repeated pattern of "p" and "a" together followed by "m", "i" respectively, so I have chosen not to focus in on the right hand during the breakdown videos.
OK, as always watch the full video and make note of anything that presents itself to you before we head over to part 1.