In order to learn big things we first have to cover small and simple stuff to make sure we learn it all right, so we don't have to relearn things later.
Here is the exercise which will help you to try out the picking styles from the previous lesson. When we say "alternate picking" - it means we change the direction of the picking movement each pick - so it is Down-Up-Down-Up...
This exercise is 100% alternate picking, on one string. If you wonder what you are playing - it's a piece of G-Major scale, and we are playing g-f#-E-f#-g-f#-e-f#...but for now I would suggest you concentrate fully on your picking and left hand. We'll learn scales and other theory stuff later on.
So, start very slowly, make sure you make 1 pick per note, so your hands are synchronized and you fret and pick at the same time. I know - it's boring. But look at the bright side of things - next lesson is going to be more difficult and in order to be able to start learning next lesson - we have to learn the previous one. So, don't hurry. You have all the time you need. Try all the picking styles we've covered and once you are familiar with them, see which one works best for you. After that - move to our next lesson and another exercise.