Adim Descending Arpeggio (Groupings of 5)
Here's our second example - it features the diminished triad descending through four different positions.
Identify the first note of each grouping. For instance, the first group of five begins on the F note (13th fret) of the high E string. Mentally prepare yourself for the first note of each and every transition; that way you're muscle memory will more quickly develop, and your brain will absorb the grouping at a much faster rate. Oh, and accent it! That's one that thing that'll make or break you when playing in odd groupings - you need to know where you are!
As for the technique of economy picking, witness the picking direction closely, and realize that starting on a down-stroke will cause the finishing pick direction (of the single 5-note position) to be a down-stroke. This lends itself directly to the next position to begin on another down-stroke.