In the transcription below, we see tons and tons of notes. Be aware, however, there's really only three exercises here. We'll just be demonstrating the actual patterns in four different arpeggio shapes (minor, major, diminished and augmented).
- We start with the three note arpeggio examined in part one, and play the sequence in three octaves, ascending, and descending.
- Secondly, we play an arpeggio shape which is very similar, structurally, but we lose the higher note and demonstrate the arpeggio in a more "confined" space. We'll also hear some note-doubling.
- And thirdly, we'll take the entire arpeggio up one octave (to the 12th fret) and exercise the same example, but in a higher context.
Again, follow the demonstration video closely and examine the measures taken to avoid "noise". It's a slow learning curve, but a crucial one for establishing cleanliness and precision.
Sorry about the bum note at 2:41!