For this tutorial I wanted to focus on some 7-string goodness! For those of you who may be just getting used to the extra low B string, or for those who've never really examined it for what it is, theoretically, hopefully you can take something from this.
It's important to think about the guitar normally, as you would a 6 (aside from the wider neck) and view the low B as a simple 5-note extension (B, C, C#, D and D#).
We'll examine some scales, arpeggios, chords, and play around with some cool etudes to get you a little more familiar with the extra string.
This is part one of a few lessons to come - I plan on getting into some alternate tunings, more complex rhythm/lead lines incorporating the 7th string, and much more!
To get started, try your chops on this 7-string etude I pieced together, and be sure to play to the backing track supplied with this lesson.