Here we have a short little sweeping/tapping run. I love implementing these type of licks into my playing. It's a great way to add some flavor amidst all the intense rhythm as well.
If you are unfamiliar with sweeping and/or tapping, I'd suggest going over some of our applicable tutorials to get you grounded in those techniques.
On the first beat, watch out for those two little 32nd notes. You can see that the first 32nd note is a hammer-on, while you'll actually pick the second one, then proceed to begin sweeping.
Take this riff note by note. These type of quick licks can be intimidating sometimes, but do your best not to be intimidated. All you have to do is practice one note at a time. Once you have the first 2 notes down, add a third note. Once you have the first three notes down, and a fourth, and so on.