It’s by no means perfect, but I wanted to create something to practice playing over changes, so I followed Tom’s backing track lesson and put something “simple” together without too much but the chords going on. Just wanted to share it with you guys… improv over it, play continuous scales or whatever you feel like.
In the future I want to create something a little more complex (in terms of bass, drums etc. etc., but for what I’m using this for it fit the bill pretty good.)
I’m having some troubles with crackles, sound falling out etc. when I use a couple of VSTs, so I thinking about upgrading my computer a bit, so try not to take too much notice of the cracks and pops you might hear. It was MUCH worse (to the point where the chord would just disappear from the mix :confused:), but I think I got the most of it to go away.
Check it out and use it for whatever you want:
The chords are:
| Dm9 | – | Fm9 | – | Gmaj9 | – | Emaj9 | – | Fm9 | – | G#maj9 | – | Bbmaj9 | – | A9 F#9 | – D#9 |
…none of them have 5ths.