
Forums Introduce Yourself Hey

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    Hi all, I am a mid 40’s male from Australia, just trying to continue/finish something I started and abandoned when I was younger. Time is not on my side like it used to be, so I’d better get a move on. I like lots of styles, although probably lean more to the heavier side, with the grandfathers of heavy rock/metal, Black Sabbath leading the way for me, also Iron Maiden, Judas Priest to Pink Floyd to Lynyrd Skynyrd, and on and on it goes.

    As for guitar players, I think Joe Satriani is pretty awesome, definitely hard to beat, and of course the heavy riffing of Tony Iommi is music to my ears.

    Anyway, ello . . . waves to forum . . .

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  • Replies
    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Welcome! Great to have another Australian at IG. Our very own Mike Edwin is from there.

    And kudos to you for picking up the guitar again. It’s never too late.

    See you around the site!

    Rick Graham
    Rick Graham

    Hey man, great to have you here at IG!

    Hey man! Welcome!
    HOpe you have a good time here at IG,
    and that you find lots of stuff to your liking here.

    Mike Edwin
    Mike Edwin

    Another Aussie! Excellent šŸ˜€

    As Rick said, its never too late to do something you love. Be sure to pop into the Members area of the forums if you wanna chat about any of the lessons, or make requests ect..

    See you around!

    PS. Which City/State are you hailing from?


    @Mike Edwin 4010 wrote:

    PS. Which City/State are you hailing from?

    Queensland, Townsville area.


    Welcome to IG šŸ™‚

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