Jazz/funk over M Brecker backing.

Forums Listening Lounge Jazz/funk over M Brecker backing.

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    Hi Einar, šŸ™‚

    That was very sweet! šŸ˜Ž Nice touch/dynamics and phrasing…You nailed the jazzy tone with your hollowbody too…I like how you paced your ideas and used space/breath effectively…;) I also liked the raked-arpeggios and chromatic approaches when you used them…:cool: I guess the only thing I thought you could’ve tried slightly differently was that I thought you could’ve built-up to a higher intensity level, especially nearer to the end (maybe higher-range on the neck with some faster lines?) but that being said, what you did play was awesome AND it is a mellow backing-track, so maybe my idea would’ve been a bit out-of-context?!? I dunno!! :confused: šŸ˜‰

    Great job all-around man! šŸ˜Ž

    ~Bill Meehan~ šŸ˜€


    Thanks for the feedback Bill! I appreciate it! šŸ™‚

    I’m having big problems with improvising over backing tracks, the intensity is not at all comparable to live work with a band. I need to rely on my own playing much more, and that’s actually quite terrifying! šŸ˜‰ I going to have to take a page or two out of Scott Hendersons books and really dig into the whole contour, rythm, phrasing and over all build of a great solo. I’ll sit down and do another take with a more musical approach when I’ve got the time, I’ll upload and update this thread as soon as it’s ready. šŸ™‚

    Keep the feedback coming, and thank you Bill, for the kind words! šŸ™‚

    The question is…. where can i get the backing?!?!?! i LOVE that tune!!!

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