Practice Schedule

Forums Guitars, Gear, Software & Education Practice Schedule

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    So ive decided that im going to start a practice schedule, to develop techniques faster and efficiently and get even more serious at my playing. Ive thought of something simple but that will cover basically what i want to get better at. The practice duration will be aprox. 6 hours, everyday if possible and i have arranged it like this:

    – 10 minutes: Warming up and stretching.
    – 1 hour: Alternate Picking
    – 1 hour: Sweep picking
    – 1 hour: Tapping
    – 1 hour: Legato
    – 1 hour: String Skipping

    Thats basically it for now, do you guys have any suggestions or modifications that would improve it, or just some stuff i should know, i would appreciate it alot 🙂

    Thanks everyone!

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  • Replies

    @Jack Gardiner 8299 wrote:

    Not to sound like a tosser, but i’ve found that maybe improvisation is the best way to improvise?
    Just download a load of backing tracks and practice your techniques over them!
    It’s all i do these days. 8 finger stuff can fit over nearly anything! Like all of the techniques.
    But then again i’d love to be able to sit there and practice a set regime 🙁

    Hey Jack, 🙂

    I agree. After all, I said as much in an earlier reply in this thread when I said:

    “4.) Put yourself into musical situations! If you’re in a band, this can be going over your band’s material (originals or cover/copy-songs) If you’re NOT in a band GET INTO ONE! (LOL!) If you like blues, perhaps sit-in at an area open-mic/blues-jam. Whether you’re in a band or not, WORK ON YOUR IMPROVISATIONAL SKILLS WHILE USING JAM-TRACKS/BACKING-TRACKS!” 😉

    I guess we both come off as “Tossers!” (LOL!) 😎

    ~Bill Meehan~ 😀

    Hahahahahaha sorry i missed this!!!

    But yeah i couldn’t agree more Bill! I think, it expands your ear. You start acting like a musical sponge absorbing what’s going on around you and applying it to different areas! Open mics are a really good place to do this too! You get used to playing live and improvising under pressure!

    Take heed of Bills’ words people!!! 🙂

    @Jack Gardiner 8299 wrote:

    Not to sound like a tosser, but i’ve found that maybe improvisation is the best way to improvise?

    The solution is in the problem’s definition. ha ha. Well put!

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