Recorded a quick pedal-demo (OD/Dist).

Forums Guitars, Gear, Software & Education Recorded a quick pedal-demo (OD/Dist).

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    Recorded a short and quick demo of one of my endorser’s pedals.
    The SHun Nokina Redemptionist.

    Just set up the camera and recorded, so the mic is clipping somewhat,
    and my voice is a bit low. But you get the idea. I will be recording some more serious
    demos of this and other pedals in a few weeks time. Just wanted to share this great sounding, and very versatile pedal with you guys =)

    The pedal has volume, gain, treblecontour, low-cut.
    In part 1, I go from clean boost up to mid-gain.

    In part 2, I go from medium gain up to full blast!

    In part 3, I go thorugh the Treblecontour and Low-cut knobs.


    ps. He does make them in some pretty colors hehe

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  • Replies

    That was killer man!!
    Lovely tone, and very very nice playing šŸ˜€

    Sean Conklin
    Sean Conklin

    Very sweet Richard! Those pedals look and sound excellent. Very versatile pedals indeed.

    And killer playing as always!


    Hey Richard, šŸ™‚

    Great playing and tones there! I really like the direction your style has taken over the last 6-months or so, as it seems that you’ve incorporated more “rootsy” classic rock/blues influences into your already killer fusion/funk/shred style! I’ve always maintained that to really do the “rootsy” stuff justice, one must have a killer sense of “time” and overall “feel,” and everyone here should know that you own great “time & feel!”

    The pedals you’re endorsing REALLY sound good too, but I’m thinking you could make a Squire-Strat into a Gorilla practice-amp sound GREAT! (LOL!) šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜Ž

    ~Bill Meehan~ šŸ˜€

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