Tom Quayle Transcription is FINISHED & READY!
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- This topic has 29 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 4 months ago by
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Hello All, ๐
It’s official (hopefully!) ๐ฎ The long-awaited (sorry about that!) Tom Quayle Suhr Standard Custom Guitar Inprovisation/Solo Transcription and Analysis is FINISHED!!! ๐
Here’s the lowdown:
In a nutshell, I used a compressed Winzip file ( which contains the ten (12) related files in total which are related to this project:
– Rhythm/Accompaniment Transcription in Finale (.mus) and Adobe (.pdf) formats = 2 files
– Solo/Improv Transcription (Standard Tuning) in Finale (.mus) and Adobe (.pdf) formats = 2 files
– Solo/Improv Transcription (Fourths Tuning) in Finale (.mus) and Adobe (.pdf) formats = 2 files
– Rhythm/Accompaniment Transcription’s MIDI Playback in (.mp3) and (.wav) = 2 files
– Solo/Improv Transcription’s MIDI Playback in (.mp3) and (.wav) = 2 files
– Theory/Analysis of Improv relative to Accompaniment in Microsoft Word (.doc) = 1 file
– A READ_ME_FIRST file explaining what-to-do and the zip-file’s contents (.txt) = 1 file
To access and download the zip-file (and subsequently the aforementioned twelve (12) related-files) to view/read the transcription and the accompanying analysis-notes, simply paste the following link into your address-bar:
NOTE: You’ll be prompted to “Click Here to START DOWNLOAD” in a “click-icon-box” just below (and to the right a little) of a large-font printout of the zip-file ( near the top of the screen.
Once you’ve successfully downloaded the zip-file (, extract the twelve (12) files into a folder you’ll be comfortable working in/from, (I’d suggest starting with a new/empty folder) and then (first) read the file titled: IG_READ_ME_FIRST.txt. After reading that, you’ll have an idea what your options are, and then you can view/read whichever files meet your needs. ๐
Best of luck with the download guys and ENJOY!!! ๐
Also, feel free to give me your feedback/opinions!!! ๐
~Bill Meehan~ ๐
Transcription is from 2:10 to 3:34 of the below video:
- Replies
Thanks for your work, Bill.
It definitely was worth waiting.@Luann 9336 wrote:
One suggestion:
Include the standard notation, the reason:
When you see a Cmaj7 chord and the notes having sharps, it’s obvious that something is happening there and if you read everything quick you can search for things that caught your attention, you can see a lot better arpeggios, substitutions, etc
However the work you’ve done it’s really really great, thanks a lot!Hi Luann, ๐
I certainly would NEVER imply that standard-notation is a bad idea, because as you alluded to, there are many great reasons to examine the standard notation transcription (especially considering how chord-tone-oriented/tertiary/intervallic Tom Quayle’s improvisational-style really is! Standard-notation REALLY paints an accurate melodic-contour of the solo-lines!) However, I was learning the Finale notation-program as I was going along, so the idea of trying to enter ALL the notes in standard-notation was a bit to daunting a task for me!!! (LOL!) (Also, Finale is cryptic and difficult to learn – if you don’t believe me, ask Tom Quayle himself! – However, it is an awesomely powerful program!!!) That all said, I have learned how to use Finale better since I started this project, so I might relaese a follow-up addendum/zip-file which will include a standard-notation transcription of both the standard-tuning AND the fourths-tuning!!! PLEASE though, DO NOT expect this to happen anytime in the near-future! I need a little-break, ๐ฎ so maybe in a a few weeks/a month or so, I will come out with the standard-notation option, OK? ๐
I’ll tell you what Luann, if you don’t see an IG-thread in less than a month regarding the standard-notation transcription, then you can call me on it! :rolleyes: ๐
~Bill Meehan~ ๐
@Luann 9336 wrote:
One suggestion:
Include the standard notation, the reason:
When you see a Cmaj7 chord and the notes having sharps, it’s obvious that something is happening there and if you read everything quick you can search for things that caught your attention, you can see a lot better arpeggios, substitutions, etc
However the work you’ve done it’s really really great, thanks a lot!Hey Luann,
BTW, were you hypothetically referring to a “Cmaj7-chord with sharps added – etc.” or were you seeing a Cmaj7 line or Cmaj7 in the accompaniment, because I’m really not aware of any obvious Cmaj7-chords in the accompaniment OR as arpeggios in the solo/improv? Therefore, I’m a bit puzzled by your allusion to Cmaj7 with sharps? :confused: I do realize that there are MANY Cmaj-TRIAD type arpeggio/chords in the solo, BUT THEY ARE all either literally a part of a Cdom7 or implying that tonality (as a IV-Dom. in Dorian Mode.) As far as the “sharps” go, as I stated in the analysis, Tom does occasionally utilize “legato-chromatic-loaded” lines, but I don’t see that as any more than chromatics used as “linear-melodic-contour” functioning as a contrast to his “tertiary-arpeggio-based” lines. (In other words, I don’t see the sharps as anything other than semitones that connect other “G-Dorian” or “G-Aeolian” diatonic scale-tones. If you haven’t checked out my “analysis” document, perhaps you shoul check it out. ๐
Thanks for your feedback and compliments!!! ๐
~Bill Meehan~ ๐
I used Cmaj7 as an example only, if you see a sharp on the bar of a Cmaj7 probably it’s an F# that makes it lydian, or chromatics or heavy outside notes, it’s something that instantly calls your attention. I think there isn’t any Cmaj7 in this progression, right?
I know how difficult finale is, I’ve been there, now I can do most of the basic stuff and some advanced things, if there is something I don’t know I search it on the help, most of the things are there.
I will see once I got time if I can make the tab notes convert to standard notation or something, if not maybe you have a midi file or something that can help?@Luann 9341 wrote:
I used Cmaj7 as an example only, if you see a sharp on the bar of a Cmaj7 probably it’s an F# that makes it lydian, or chromatics or heavy outside notes, it’s something that instantly calls your attention. I think there isn’t any Cmaj7 in this progression, right?
I know how difficult finale is, I’ve been there, now I can do most of the basic stuff and some advanced things, if there is something I don’t know I search it on the help, most of the things are there.
I will see once I got time if I can make the tab notes convert to standard notation or something, if not maybe you have a midi file or something that can help?Hey Luann, ๐
Yes, I figured you were being hypothetical! ๐
Anyways, that’s cool that you know Finale! Maybe we can correspond about various tricks/tips that you’ve picked up that could help! I’ll let you know directly about my progress regarding the standard-notation conversion. I think I can do it without too much work! ๐ ๐
I’ll talk to you soon! ๐
~Bill Meehan~ ๐
The notes are already there, I checked.
Copy all the bars and paste them on a treble clef staff (new document) and then you can correct the articulations or note spacing, etc.
Any help you need just tell me, really.Hi Bill.
Awesome work. Iยดm sure I will get weeks of fun out of this. I am myself a Finale user but canยดt seem to open your Finale files. Wich Finale version did you use?Tom Jensen
He used finale 2009 with the r2 patch (or something like that)
I can make pdfs of the files, or maybe bill prefers to do them himself. (trying to respect his work)
Thanks Luann but not necessary. I already have the pdfยด. Just wonderet wich version was just. I myself use the 2006 so it makes sence I canยดt open it.
@Spooky_tom 9344 wrote:
Hi Bill.
Awesome work. Iยดm sure I will get weeks of fun out of this. I am myself a Finale user but canยดt seem to open your Finale files. Wich Finale version did you use?Tom Jensen
Hello Thomas, ๐
Thanks for showing interest T.V.J, and I sincerely hope you do get lots of fun, ideas, and a “Leeds University Graduate Degree in Advanced-Legato-Fusion-Shred-Applications!” – LOL!!! – ๐ :p ๐ (Inside Tom Quayle humor…sorry TQ!) ๐
Anyways T.V.J., if you have any way to view or print-out .pdf-files (like with the Adobe program, which is very common) then you’re “in-luck,” because they should already have been extracted as three (3) out of the twelve (12) extracted-files from the downloaded zip-file ( Perhaps you are already looking at the .pdf-files, and that’s how you were able to compliment my work (and I thank you for that too!) Since I’m essentially a NOOB in Finale, (LOL!) I don’t know how backwards/frontwards-compatible the different versions tend to be?!? Best of luck with that bro! ๐
Thanks again for the compliments and feedback Thomas! ๐ฎ
~Bill Meehan~ ๐
@Spooky_tom 9350 wrote:
Thanks Luann but not necessary. I already have the pdfยด. Just wonderet wich version was just. I myself use the 2006 so it makes sence I canยดt open it.
Hey Tom, ๐
Forget that reply I just sent, as I had not seen your reply when I wrote it. Ooops! ๐ฎ
Anyways, that makes me feel better that I decided to supply/provide those various file-types. You’re situation is proof that would be necessary for some people! ๐
Enjoy and feel free to leave/send me any additional feedback! ๐
~Bill Meehan~ ๐
@Luann 9345 wrote:
He used finale 2009 with the r2 patch (or something like that)
I can make pdfs of the files, or maybe bill prefers to do them himself. (trying to respect his work)
Hello Luann, ๐
As Spooky_Tom aluded to in his reply to you, providing him some .pdf’s is NOT necessary simply because I’ve already done that as part of the twelve (12) sub-file zip-extraction of the original downloaded zip-file (
BTW, I appreciate your respect of my work Luann, I just wanted to point out that creating .pdf’s wouldn’t be necessary (since they already exist! :rolleyes:) However, I really like your idea about providing a standard-notation transcription! That makes sense, and it will improve the learning experience for many/all who view it! ๐
Stay-tuned! ๐
~Bill Meehan~ ๐
I found the time to check it all out!AMAZING work Bill!!What can we do to thank you???? ๐
@JeanDo 9447 wrote:
I found the time to check it all out!AMAZING work Bill!!What can we do to thank you???? ๐
Hi JeanDo, ๐
Thanks so much for the compliments bro! Actually NO ONE needs to do anything to thank me, as the acknowledments and the idea hat you guys might benefit from it is thanks enough for me! ๐
I guess I’m content to “Pay It Forward!” ๐
…Oh..but if anyone can figure out how to transplant their “chops” into my “hands,” :rolleyes: that would be MUCH APPRECIATED (and MUCH NEEDED!!! ๐ฎ – LOL!) ๐
In the meantime, I have a LOT of woodshedding to do! :rolleyes:
Until next time… ๐
~Bill Meehan~ ๐
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