Ok, so now we will explore easiest way to practice this concept.
We'll set our metronome at 80bpm and we will use a G major 3 note per string scale with the root starting on the 3rd fret (G) of the low E string.
We will then play the scale continuously up and down (without repeating any note 2 times in a row).
It would be a good idea to first get used to the tempo with each rhythm.
First play the entire scale up and down using eight notes and do the same thing using eight note triplets, 16th notes, and 16th note triplets.
After that you can proceed to the actual example.
In this example we will switch do a new rhythm after each measure. We will do this without diverting from the scale. Continuing to play up and down as if you were just practicing the scale normally.
One measure of eight notes then a measure of eight note triplets then a measure of 16th note and finally a measure of 16th note triplets but wait we're note done.
We will then play the order in reverse without stopping. After we've played 16th note triplets we will play 16th notes for a measure and then back to eight note triplets and back to 8th notes.
This can continue without stopping for as long as you can go.
Please refer to the tab for further understanding.